Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Leadership Thought: Chasing Sticks or Souls? Your Answer Determines Your Kingdom Value.

Dear Friends,

I love the Peanuts’ cartoon in which Linus has just thrown a stick for Snoopy to retrieve. Snoopy's first instinct was to chase after the stick, but he pauses a few moments and decides against it. “I want people to have more to say about me after I’ve gone than he was a nice guy….he chased sticks.”

How do you want to be remembered? What motivates you to do more in life than just chase sticks?  As the clock winds down on my life, I sometimes find myself wondering how people will remember me. I trust it will be for the words I have spoken, or the things that I have done, or the contributions I have made to make a difference in people’s lives.

When General Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, stood before Queen Victoria, and she asked what she might do for him, the rugged old man replied, “Your majesty, some people’s passion is money, and some people’s passion is fame, but my passion has been men” Commentary on Romans, Righteousness from Heaven, Kent Hughes, p. 25.

That was the Apostle Paul’s passion. His passion is clearly revealed in that first chapter of Romans where he writes to the church and tell them of his desire to visit them. “I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong “ (Romans 1:11).

 Like General Booth, Paul’s passion was people. He wanted to share with them, so that those who knew Christ would be strengthened, and those who had yet to know Him might discover the joy of their salvation. In essence, he was a man who wanted others to know Christ and the change He would make in their lives.

Neither Paul nor General Booth could ever be accused of chasing sticks. No, they were too busy chasing after souls, and what could be more exciting or rewarding than  that?

As you and I look at our schedules, and as we examine our goals, let’s ask ourselves how much of what we are doing is directed towards chasing souls and not sticks.

I want my life to count, and I know you do to. May God help each of us to keep our priorities straight as we continue to be difference makers for the Kingdom of God.

Yours in faith and friendship,

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