Thursday, August 20, 2020

Leadership Thought: Growth Is Not Automatic.
Dear Friends,

Hardly a day goes by that I take a minute to listen to a one- or two-minute message from a friend named John Maxwell. Oh, I have never met John personally, but I have probably read at least 30 of his books, and listened to hundreds of his messages on tapes ( I know this dates me), CD's, and the internet. He is a world renown  writer, speaker, and teacher on the subject of leadership. He has written close to 100 books, and he has probably spoken to more people on the subject of leadership than any person on the face of the earth. A former pastor, who at 28 led the largest church in his denomination, John is a person of great faith. 

Each day I receive his free "Minute with Maxwell" message on my computer, and combined with my devotional time, I find these two habits help me get my day off to a good start. This morning's message from John served to encourage me to continue my investment in growth. I remember  a man who always closed one of his letters, "Yours at 83 and still growing." I want to be like that man, so growth is something I am committed too, and I hope you are as well.

I don't know what you are doing to improve yourself spiritually, relationally or professionally,  but I hope you are investing your time wisely and that you are daily growing in each of these areas.

I want to encourage you to click on to the two-minute message below from John and the challenge he presents. No, there is nothing to buy, and I don't get anything out of your doing so except the joy in knowing that, like me, you are investing in your own growth and development.

If you like what you hear, why not simply click on to his free daily messages?  I think you will find them to be a great resource to your own growth.

"Yours at 79 and still growing,"

PS If you like what you hear, why not drop me an e-mail and let me know your listened

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