Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Leadership Thought: Diet and Exercise Are Keys to Walking in the Spirit.

Dear Friends,

Yesterday I shared some thoughts about walking in the spirit. Simply put,  "Walking in the Spirit" means traveling through the day with  Jesus  as your constant  traveling companion. Everywhere you go, you take Jesus with you.

If you go on the internet you will read all kinds of  suggested steps that one should take in order to "Walk in the Spirit," but  I think we often make living the Christian life too complicated.  In an effort to simply the process, I would suggest only three things that are a must if you want to “Walk in the Spirit."

First you need to know that Jesus is your Lord and Savior. You have no inner resources  to help you on your walk  unless the power of the living Lord Jesus is living within you. Make sure you have accepted Him. If not, pray and ask Him to come into your life. Recognize that it is simply His grace that saves you. Salvation has nothing to do with what you do for Christ, but what Christ has done for you. He has saved you by His grace and He has fashioned and prepared you for Christian service, so get going.

Two, you must pray.  Ask God to help you walk in the spirit. Jesus said,  “Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). The Greek verbs ask, seek, and knock are all in the perfect tense. This means they speak of continual action, of continually  knocking, seeking, and asking. It is not something we do once a week at church or on some retreat. It is a continuous commitment as moment by moment you say, “Lord I  need your help.” “I want to be used by you.” I want to be sensitive to  your Spirit.” “I want only to do want you want me to do and go where you want me to go." God wants to speak to us, and we can’t hear Him, if we are doing all of the talking. Listen more than you talk, and you will hear His voice.

And finally make sure we are constantly seeking His wisdom from His Word. Often times we make spending time in the Word an option and not a priority. If it is an option, we can choose to be in it or not. If it is a priority, we know it is like air;  we need to inhale it, if we want to survive.

"Walking in the Spirit" requires nourishment.  We must be reading and feeding on God’s Word; it can’t be a hit or miss undertaking. That is why I am so glad that many in our church have made reading through the Bible an annual spiritual discipline. If we are not committed to some form of systematic study of the bible, feeding upon the Word daily, our spirit will weaken and the flesh will take over.

Job says I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food (Job 23:12, NKJV).

Jesus reminds us that His words are “spirit and life,” so reading and feeding are musts if we are to "Walk in the Spirit."

Although we have the Spirit of God living within us if we have yielded our lives to Jesus, we still carry that old carcass of flesh within,  and that fleshly nature wages war with the spirit. How can we free ourselves from the bondage of flesh that wants to limit our time in prayer and in the word? The answer is simple. "Don’t feed the flesh, but strengthen the spirit." 

Don’t make the consumption of the Word and prayer the last things on our daily to do list. Plant them at the top, and make them your most important priorities.

Diet and exercise are the keys to "Walking in the Spirit," so feed yourself with the Word and exercise constantly by walking on your knees. If you do, you will find that "Walking in the Spirit" will not be some unusual and mystical encounter, but a common and ordinary experience that will change your life while touch and blessing the lives of others.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Yours in faith and friendship,


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