Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Why Would Anyone Want to Change the Name of the Church?

Dear Friends,

What’s with the name of a church? Well, today there is a significant sector of our church world that is very concerned with the name of their church.  Today many churches are renaming (rebranding) their name. They are jettisoning denominational affiliations like Baptist and Presbyterian and Methodist in favor or what some would suggest are more trendy and marketable names. Within a radius of 75 miles of our church, we find new and different sounding names of churches than we might not be accustomed to. There is Searchlight, Branch, Triumphant Life, Universal Church, Liquid, Elevate, Cornerstone, New Hope  and The Journey Church to name only a few. Take a road trip across the country and you are apt to see strange church ‘signage’ with names like  Door of Hope, The Nest of Love, The Refuge, Burning Hearts, Ignite, Oasis, The Potential Church, Wellspring, and the one I think is most unique: ReThink Life Church. 

According to the National Association of Evangelicals, “63 percent of its member churches do not include any denominational name.” (Taken from the  Internet, “The 9 Worst Kinds of Hilariously Trendy Church Names”). 

Why are churches, especially denominational churches, looking to change their names? For many it is the idea that by dropping their denominational label, they will be able to draw more of the unchurched who might be turned off by past experiences with denominational churches. For many the idea of a denominational church projects thoughts of old fashion, stuffy, uncontemporary and not relevant (hence why you have a whole group of “Relevant Churches” springing up across our country. 

Proponents of renaming churches suggest people today are looking for churches that might be described as informal, casual, and contemporary. The bottom line is they are seeking something different from the typical traditional church setting they grew up in. Some of those supporting name change, would also argue that they are more interested in talking about Christ as a reason for membership than defending or explaining the uniqueness of a particular denomination. 

I found it interesting that there is some research that reveals there are two denominations that don’t carry the baggage that some other denominational churches do, and they are Catholic and, you guessed it or maybe you didn’t, Baptist. This study by Lifeway Research also showed that “half of Americans view denominational labels  favorably, while the other half either feels negatively about them, or don’t care.” The study also concluded that “Eight out of ten unchurched adults do not feel a non-denominational name would make them more likely to consider visiting a particular church.” (Ron Sellers, President of Grey Matter, as quoted from the internet article “The 9 Worst Kinds of Hilariously Trendy Church Names.”

So, what does this all have to do with New Monmouth Baptist Church? In the interest of transparency, I would acknowledge that there have been some leaders in the church, myself included, who have often wondered if the renaming of our church would result in attracting more visitors. I suspect that sooner or later, your leadership, like the leadership in many  other churches across our land, will wrestle with this very question, and if, and when we do, we know that the topic will generate some intense and heated discussion from both sides.

Whether changing the name of a church with 150 years of tradition is a good idea or not, it needs to be thoughtfully and reasonably discussed. There are pros and cons of name change, and the question that must be foremost in our minds is what is the most effective way our church can reach our community for Christ? The name of a church may or may not be important to some people, but it will never be the most important factor in a person’s decision to attend or join a church.  The most important factor will be what takes place inside the church. If there is Christ centered preaching, leadership integrity, friendly people, strong relationships, a heart to see people come to Jesus, and a genuine love and desire to serve the community, it makes little difference what the name of the church might be. What’s inside the church will always trump the name appearing on the signboard outside.

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on the pros and cons of church name change, but whether you are for or against such a change, let your communication be grace filled and spirit generated.

Yours in faith and fellowship,

Pastor Tom

P.S. And if the church should ever decide to move forward with a name change, I pray that it might never opt for any of the following existing churches like Fishnet Worship Center, Cowboy Church, Fun Church or the Church in the Now.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Crossing the Home Plate of Discipleship through Small Groups

Dear Friends

If you have seen the movie, “A Few Good Men,” you probably remember the striking three-word question shouted by Colonel Jessup as he sought to defend himself against the charges of malfeasance: "Are we clear?”

Likewise, as a church we need to be asking ourselves the same question. Are we clear when it comes to communicating what we believe should be the goals and direction of our church? Church members deserve to know those goals and the process by which we seek to achieve them.  For example, if one of our goals is to ‘make disciples,’ and I hope we all can concur with this goal, then the question becomes how will we achieve this goal?  If we know the “what”-making disciples, then what is the “how”-the process for making disciples?

To use a baseball analogy, just putting the ball in play is never enough. We need to figure out how we can insure our players cross home plate. If the team is not clear on the “how to” of accomplishing the goal, we may wind up with each player using his own strategy to accomplish the goal, rather than working together in a coordinated effort to achieve that goal.

Your leadership believes that one of the most effective ways of achieving the goal of making disciples is through the formation of small groups. To that end, each of our pastors and elders are unified in their commitment to help form and foster small groups during the coming year.

A lot of discipleship strategies include the dispensing of information-what disciples need to know- largely communicated in the large group context of worship, and yes, knowing what to believe is an important part of the disciple making process. But also, of critical importance is teaching followers the importance of belonging and pointing them to those they “need to be with.” You may need to take a moment to reread this last sentence or you may miss its significance. Often the most effective venue for disciple making is found amid a loving and supportive small group environment comprised of people who are committed to love and care for each other. Following Christ involves believing, but it also means belonging, and these two aspects must never be separated.

 As much as I enjoy gathering together for worship in a large community setting like worship, I recognize that some of the deepest spiritual truths I have learned have come within a small group setting where I was challenged, exhorted, encouraged, and yes even rebuked in the interest of disciple making.

 In the future you will hear more and more about the initiation and implementation of our small group ministry, and when you do, my hope will be that you will choose to become involved.

In closing, I remind you that while Christ intended for our relationship with Him to be personal, He never intended it to be private. We need each other. I hope each one of you will consider being part of a small group when the opportunity is presented in January.

Yours in faith and fellowship,

Pastor Tom

Thursday, December 5, 2019

What 3 Senior Saints Taught Me About Ministry This Week

Dear Friends,

One of the most satisfying aspects of ministry is the opportunity to be around God’s children on a regular basis. On this past Tuesday I was blessed with a spiritual trifecta.

A personal visit and two phone calls left me with so much gratitude that I could hardly sleep that night.

I visited one of our senior saints-Ethel Halvorsen-who is in her 90’s- in a Rehabilitation Care Center in Wall. Esther used to come in every Tuesday during my first interim here at New Monmouth (yes, I was here before, and believe it or not they invited me to come back again), and she faithfully ran off audio tapes of the Sunday messages. Precise and detailed, she was a perfect fit for the position. 

This past Tuesday I walked into her room, and she was resting in bed while receiving oxygen. She was having some trouble breathing, but despite her oxygen challenge, she was in good spirits while wearing a smile on her face and sporting a twinkle in her eye. Hopefully her demeanor was an indication of her pleasure in seeing me. 

We had a wonderful time swapping personal stories, and then she changed the direction of our conversation and spoke to me about a therapy dog that had recently visited her, and so we wound up talking about our dog experiences. While I didn’t know she loved dogs the way I did, she told me about “Sockeye,” a Terrier that used to roam the rugs of her home. And then she surprised me by commenting on her aversion to dogs that had a habit of kissing their owners. We continued our conversation for a while and when I had prayed and was ready to say goodbye, something within caused me to awkwardly blurt out, “Ethel, I know you what you said about kissing dogs, but how do you feel about kissing pastors?” I was mortified as I listened to those words that just slipped from my mouth, and embarrassed by them I just stood there waiting and wondering how in the world she was going to respond to my ill-chosen question. While hugging comes naturally to me, I don’t normally go around asking people if they mind me kissing them, especially those in the hospital, so don’t worry if you ever see me slipping into your room at Riverview, kissing patients is not a part of my normal visitation protocol if you know what I mean. 

Ethel initially acted a little taken back by my question and then smiling at me she said yes, I would love a kiss, and so I bent over and kissed her on her cheek, and as I did I felt her arms tighten around my back as she hugged me in a kind of embrace that I don’t think I will ever forget. It was at that moment that I recognized that in loving her, even if doing it awkwardly, she was loving me back. As I walked out of that room, I couldn’t help but feel that she had made a significant difference in my life as I hoped I had made in hers. 

That evening I decided to call a couple of our past pastors just to let them know that I was thinking of them. I wasn’t prepared for the wonderful fellowship I would enjoy. Jonathan Bosse, who touched many lives in the years he was at New Monmouth and who always fostered’ jealousy’ within me when I would hear the stories of his legendary ability to walk into a room of 20 people and within minutes be able to recall their every name. During his pastorate with us in the 90’s, he touched many lives with his preaching gifts, and he raised up a significant number of young people who entered full time service as a result of his influence.  We shared information about our ministries and our families, and we agreed to not let so many years pass (it had been seven) since we last talked.

After talking with Jonathan, I felt the urge to call Pastor Bruce Seymour who served with us during the early part of this century and whose vision  and leadership were responsible for the erection of the Family Ministry Center. While I had previously thanked him in writing for the part he played in the construction of this magnificent ministry resource, I had never personally expressed my thanks to him. Bruce has been physically impacted by his struggle with Parkinson disease and has had to retire from his teaching position to take an administrative role within  his seminary. He had little idea of the magnitude of the ministry he left us, through the completion of the Family Ministry Center, and I was so happy to relate the impact of his leadership: Upward Basketball, Rhythm Gymnastics, Middletown Helps Its Own, Home School activities, Men’s Basketball, Fall Fest, Family Fellowship Hours, and Sandy Relief  to name a few of the programs that commemorate his legacy. I immediately could sense the pleasure he felt as I related how his vision and leadership had contributed to so many church outreach opportunities.

As I laid my head on the pillow that past Tuesday night, I could hardly contain my gratitude, as I thought to myself how blessed I am to “get” to do this kind of ministry without ever feeling I have “got” to do it,  and what a difference the two perspectives make.

Ethel, Jonathan, Bruce, thanks for all you have done to make all our lives richer, and fuller and for your service that has brought much joy to your Savior.

Yours in faith and friendship,
Pastor Tom

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: Thanksgiving Thoughts on Praying for Others

Dear Friends,

This morning with Thanksgiving in mind, I was pondering the topic of thankfulness. I turned to 2 Corinthians 1, verses 8-11 in particular where Paul describes his sufferings, which he says were so “utterly unbearable that he felt crushed to the point of despairing of life.”

And what caught my attention was in verse 11, where he states “You (Corinthians) also join in helping us by your prayers, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.”

I pondered that verse for several minutes, and not being exactly sure what to make of it, I went to one of my commentaries for help. It expressed the fact that Paul is thanking the Corinthians for their prayers that helped him and his friends through their difficult time of suffering. The answers to their prayers, he says provided an opportunity for the many who prayed to give thanks for the answers to their prayers. 

So whenever we face difficulties, the more open and honest we should be about sharing our prayer concerns with others, for the more people we ask to pray for us, the more people will enjoy the opportunity to rejoice and give thanks when their prayers are answered.

The Yiddish Proverb reminds us that “prayers go up, and blessings come down.”  So, let’s keep praying so that God keeps blessing.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Pastor Tom

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: Measuring Your Spiritual Growth

Dear Friends,

We have a cottage on Lake Ontario in northern New York, and one of our most significant annual family traditions was to measure the annual growth of our children. One of the first actions they would take after our five-and-a-half-hour pilgrimage to the lake would be to run into our bedroom, where Jean and I would measure them to see how many inches they had grown over the previous year. I remember how excited they were to be measured. They seem to take competitive pride in noting who had grown the most. Those growth marks are still penciled on the wall of our bedroom. This past summer I was once again reminded of these visual growth testimonies, and I thought to myself how grateful Jean and I are that all of our children are healthy and still growing-albeit not in the physical sense as measured by some old pencil marks on a wall, but in the spiritual sense of maturing in their understanding of who they are as children of the King. There is no stunted growth in any of their lives. 

The Apostle Peter reminds us that we are to "grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ". (2 Peter 3:18). "Like newborn babies, crave spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good" (1 Peter 2:2-3).   Growth like children is not automatic for as Tennessee Ernie Ford used to say (I know this reference really dates me) "Too many people start out at the bottom and sort of like it there."  How sad that many of our lives are spiritually stunted, maybe we stopped growing many years ago, and sadly we are now learning that death begins where growth ends. 

I don't remember who said it, but many years ago I copied a quote that I have never forgotten, the writer said, "When someone misses the opportunity for growth and improvement, he may feel regret. If he goes long enough without growing, he begins to feel he has had an unused life. And that is not unlike an early death". 

How unlike the words of William Barclay, the author of one of the best New Testament commentaries ever written who said, "We should count it a wasted day when we do not learn something new and when we have not penetrated more deeply into the wisdom and the grace of God."  

It is easy to be like the child who decided he would quit school. He said "I hate school; it is an awful place. All they do is ask a lot of questions. I can't write. I don't know how to read, and they won't let me talk. There is nothing to it, so I quit."  "But son," the dad said, "you are only in kindergarten."  And there are some who still may be at the kindergarten stage of their spiritual development. They haven't gone far enough for the fun. They are spirituality stunted, stagnant saints who have never learned that death begins where growth ends. 

Only toadstools pop up overnight. Growth takes time, it takes effort, and it takes a steadfast commitment to daily self-improvement. One of my favorite writers was the legendary basketball coach John Wooden who once said, "It is what you learn after you know it all that counts." 

So, my encouragement to all of us, myself included, is to find that spiritual wall in your home and see how you measure up. Are you growing and if not, why not? Today can be the start of a new commitment to spiritual growth, and a good place to begin is at Genesis 1:1 and a wonderful place to end is Revelation 22:21. I promise if you read everything in between you will be a different person, maybe becoming a spiritual giant in comparison with what you were a few years ago. Let me encourage you to join a Bible study or a small group or a Sunday school class. Look for a place to serve, commit to worshipping weekly, giving generously, and serving passionately.  Make a difference in someone else's life, and you will make a difference in yours as well. 

I end with the words of a senior saint who ends his correspondence, with these closing words: "Yours at 83 and still growing." 

May each of us capture his spirit.

Yours in faith and friendship,
Pastor Tom

Thursday, November 14, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: What Group Are You In-50%, 40%, or 10%?

Dear Friends,

Many of us have heard of the 80-20 Principle which states that 80 percent of the work in any organization will be done by 20 percent of the people. However, I recently read a recent Gallup poll that suggests that the working few are even fewer than this poll would suggest.

The Gallup poll taken a few years ago suggests that only 10 percent of church members will be actively involved in some aspect of ministry. The same poll also revealed that 50 percent of church members won’t serve in any capacity, no matter what you try to do to enlist their involvement.  So that leaves 40 percent of the church who would willingly serve if given the opportunity.

Shortly after reading this, I had a dream-seriously-and I imagined I was standing before the congregation and during my sermon I asked by a show of hands how many would love to do something for the church, and guess what? Every hand was raised. It was a pastor’s dream until I realized it was just that, only a dream. Yes, there was some congregational fibbing going on. Some who raised their hands weren’t serious about service; they only raised their hands because they had been shamed into service.

Now let me say this about those in the 50 percent category. They may be no less spiritual, or no less committed than others in the congregation. They love Jesus like others in the church, but they may have decided to invest their time in non-church activities. Hopefully, those in this 50 percent category will one day discover the joy that springs from serving with others where lasting relationships are formed and friendships are fashioned. However, if statistics are true, this may never happen.

Now for those in the 10 percent category, let me say thanks for the ways you have chosen to serve. This church would not be what it is today without your unselfish service, and for that service we are most thankful.

Now if you are among the 40 percent who would like to serve in some capacity but have never been asked or who have wondered what you could do, let me suggest a few places where you might begin.

There is always a need for people to help with the transportation of our senior saints, who need rides to and from church. Some of them have need for light shopping, and others would just love a personal visit.  There are also members living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, who would be overjoyed to know that someone cared enough to spend a few minutes of their time with them.

There are opportunities to provide meals for those coming home from the hospital, or who because of some health challenges, might enjoy an occasional home cooked meal. Our Youth groups are always looking for those willing to cook an occasional meal for their Thursday night meetings, and if you are interested in providing such a meal, please contact Ellen Durant.

We have several men and women serving in the armed forces who would love to receive a letter or a care package or who would be encouraged to know that you were regularly praying for them. It is always nice to be remembered on your birthday, and some of you who have writing gifts might enjoy penning greetings to those celebrating birthdays or other special occasions.

Next week, we will once again be delivering food for Thanksgiving to those in the Middletown area, who are going through some challenging times.  Volunteering to be a part of the delivery system is a great way to serve and spread Christ’s love. To volunteer please speak to Pastor Nick.

You may not feel competent to do hospital calling, but let me assure you that if you are willing to undertake such a ministry, we will train you. One of my best friends is the hospital chaplain at Riverview, and he repeatedly reminds me of the need for people to do hospital visitation.

The Fellowship Hour doesn’t just happen on its own. There are people who assist in setting up chairs and breaking down tables, and who help set out the food and assist with the cleanup.

We can always use teachers and teachers’ aides, nursery helpers, and check-in personnel.

There is always a need for greeters, and welcome table volunteers, and if this is an interest you possess, all you must do is speak with one of our pastors.

We are always looking for people to stuff bulletins or do filing, or be available to assist your staff with secretarial skills. If you are a gardener there are flowers to plant, and if you are a painter there are walls to paint. There are repairs to be done if you have carpentry or plumbing or electrical skills, and if you like to knit or crochet, there are always baby blankets to be fashioned, and if you interested in audio visual activities you could serve with our audio visual team.

If you don’t see a place where you can be involved, then just ask God to show you what you might be able to do to share His love with others. Someone once said that “The secret to success is to find a need and fill it.” You just might be the filler!

Why not start praying today about what you could do to serve Jesus. You may not think it is much, but like those loaves and fish the little boy placed in the hands of Jesus, He can multiply their value a thousand-fold.

As pastors we would love to hear any ideas you have for serving God, so start praying and let’s look forward to the exciting ministries that God desires to  birth among his people.

Yours in faith and friendship,
Pastor Tom

Thursday, November 7, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: “What I Learned from Dave Furniss About Doing Ministry”

Dear Friends

I confess that at times counseling can be challenging, and yes, even frustrating, especially when people keep coming back with the same issues without ever putting into practice the actions you suggest. It reminds me of the story of the pastor who turned undertaker. When asked why he switched vocations, he said when I was a counselor people would come to me and I would try to straighten them out, but they would keep coming back again and again with the same issues. I just grew too frustrated to continue, so I decided to become an undertaker, and now when people come to me when I straighten them out, they stay straightened.

As a pastor, it is hard to see people fail to heed the counsel you often provide, especially when they continue to return complaining that nothing has changed in their life.

Dave Furniss is one person, who proved to be an exception to this pattern. Dave is the guy who can be seen walking up and down the pews greeting people as people are singing our first worship song. One day I commented to him how proud I was of how he had gotten out of his comfort zone to greet people in a what some would call a rather untraditional way. I asked him what prompted his decision to greet people in the way he did. Now Dave was never shy, mind you, about engaging people, but I never recall him being so eager and so outgoing in his efforts to make people feel welcome. When I asked him, what motivated him to become a “model” greeter, “ He said I watched and listened to you and when you kept telling us how important it was to greet people, I simply did what you told us to do. Wow! May his tribe increase.

Dave has been going through treatment for cancer, and he was not in the service last Sunday, but  his greeting mission went uninterrupted, as I took a cue from him, and proceeded to try and fill his shoes, while walking the aisles during the first hymn and greeting as many people as I could,  just like he taught me. I felt a little uncomfortable interrupting people’s singing, but it was worth it knowing that I was helping to carry on Dave’s ministry even when he wasn’t there. It is a wonderful thing when people heed the advice and challenges of their pastors, but it is just as wonderful when as pastors we learn and heed the advice of our people. That’s why I often remind you that ministry is mutual; we learn from each other.

Now I have never been in a church where greeting people continued through the singing of the first hymn, but I like it, and I hope you do too. In fact, I personally plan on carrying on Dave’s unconventional greeting, and I would offer you a challenge to do the same. What if three or four or five of us chose to get outside our comfort zone and join in carrying on Dave’s welcoming ministry each Sunday. But if this challenge proves to be too much of a stretch for you, let me give you a few alternatives. Why not greet and get to know and welcome the people sitting around you before or after service? Why not invite them to join you in the Family Ministry Center following service? Why not invite them to a Bible study or a special event? And lastly, for those who are really looking to go out on the limb and “do something uncomfortable for God”, why not invite them to your home for a meal and time of fellowship?

Not only will you make Dave and your pastors happy, but you will bring great joy to the One who taught us “to love one another just as He has loved us,” for in doing so “the whole world will come to know that we are His disciples.” John 13:34-35

Yours in faith and friendship,

Pastor Tom

Thursday, October 31, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: A Lesson I Learned on the Way Home from the Hospital 

Dear Friends,

We have all heard the words, "little things mean a lot," but last week I had the joy of experiencing just how truthful this frequently uttered expression really is. While at Riverview Hospital waiting for the elevator to open, I witnessed a mother and a daughter expressing their concern over the news they had recently received regarding a doctor's prognosis regarding a family member. The daughter had her arms wrapped around her mother trying to console her. As I stepped into the elevator, I realized I had a real opportunity for ministry. As mom and daughter stepped off the elevator, I commented that I had witnessed their tearful embrace before stepping into the elevator, and I wondered if I could pray for them. They were caught off guard, but quickly the daughter commented how much she would appreciate prayer. I asked them how I could pray, and they briefly related the circumstances of their concern. I prayed for them and their loved one and after a warm embrace I headed for the parking lot, but not before they profusely expressed their gratitude for my taking time to pray with them.

My encounter with them lasted less than a few minutes, but during that time I really felt like I was being used by God, as I sought to encourage this grieving mom and daughter. As I later reflected on the experience, I was wonderfully reminded that in God's scheme of things "little things do mean a lot." It took only a few moments to minister to this grieving mother and daughter, and yet in that brief time span, I not only brought hope and encouragement to them, but I experienced the joy of knowing that God had used me to make a small difference in two lives.

All too often we tend to under estimate the value of the small things that we do as His servants, but I often discover that it is in those tiny and seemingly insignificant expressions of love, that God has a way of multiplying their value. A young lad had only a few loaves and fishes to offer Jesus, but from God's perspective when these gifts were placed in the hands of Jesus, those fish and loaves would be greatly multiplied, and they would satisfy the hungry crowd gathered on that Capernaum hillside. Yes, it is true that "little things really do matter" and  "those random acts of kindness" when performed in the spirit of Christ's love have a way of being multiplied in value. 

Someone will often ask me, "Tom, do you remember what you said or did," and when they go on to describe the words or action I will often respond, "no, I don't remember." Then the person will explain how those words or actions impacted their lives, and I am always surprised to learn the impact of those seemingly tiny and insignificant acts of love.

I close with the words of Mother Teresa who said, "Not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love."

So let’s be about the business of looking for those opportunities to serve, knowing that even the smallest and most insignificant act of service will be multiplied in value when it is done in His love. 

Yours in faith and friendship,
Pastor Tom

P.S. "If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Monmouth Musings: Update on Tom and Jean's Cancer Challenges

Dear Friends and Family,

It has been quite some time since I sent an update to you on our physical situations, and since we will both will be away at our Lake Ontario cottage, I wanted to update you on our health challenges. Jean continues to do well with the exception of dealing with fatigue, which prevents her from being as active as she would like to be. She was given a clean bill of health in March after chemo, surgery and radiation. Her biggest need right now is for weight gain, so please keep that in mind when you pray for her.

I was planning to head to the lake the first week in July, but I have been recently struggling with the side effects of chemo-mainly fatigue and dizziness caused by frequent bouts of dehydration, which drops my blood pressure resulting in lightheadedness (no comments please!). In my mind it is something new, but there are others who might suggest otherwise.

After church this past Sunday, one of my special  friends suggested to me in the Family Ministry Center that I shouldn't wait until July to head to the lake, but that I should consider leaving after services on the 24th. I thought about his comments, which were based on how he viewed my physical situation, which has resulted in my working more of late from home than the church and certainly at a much slower pace than I am used to. Yesterday, after spending eight and a half hours meeting with my doctor, having blood work and receiving chemo, along with a couple of bags of fluids for hydration purposes, I returned home depleted of energy and ready to seriously consider my friend's suggestion. Interestingly enough, my doctor also confirmed my friend's observations when he said, “I need to slow down and consider stopping ministry for the duration of my treatment”, which is only five weeks away. This was something I didn’t  want to hear, as it has been so difficult for me to step back from doing what I love to do, but with Pastor Jared and Pastor Nick providing such strong leadership, and a great support staff to complement their ministry, I feel very comfortable about stepping away for my vacation a little earlier than I expected. Jean and I plan to be away until the middle of August, and during that time, we will be joined by our children and grandchildren, something we really look forward to each year.

As you may know, Jean and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary this month on the 19th, which interestingly enough is Emancipation Day on my calendar. I confess that emancipation may have been something that we both have both thought about at times during those 50 years of marriage. But it always comes down to the question we both ask of ourselves: "Who would have either one of us" ? Seriously speaking, we are grateful for our marriage, and the time the Lord has given us to love one another, and we look forward to whatever challenges and adventures He has in store for us in our future time together.

We were both so surprised by the celebration you held for us following the second service. Just before I wrote this message this morning, elder John O’Neill dropped by to deliverer the beautiful poster board display with notes and pictures of Jean and I and our family. Also Included was a packet filled with a number of additional personal and encouraging notes that you had taken time to write. What a blessing to read those hand-written notes, which so beautifully expressed your prayers for us, and which shouted out your love and appreciation for our ministry. Special thanks to Julie Harris who helped compile the notes and who assembled this wonderful display, which now proudly hangs on our bedroom wall.

We are so blessed by the many ways you reach out and love one another, and how grateful we are that we are a part of the family that is encompassed by that love.

When I think of you, I am conscious of the words the Apostle Paul penned when he wrote the Philippians reminding them of his love. "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, thankful for your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.  And I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:3-6 RSV

Yours in faith and friendship,

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: The World Needs Dreamers

New Monmouth Musings: 
The World Needs Dreamers

Dear Family,

I love the story of the little ten-year-old boy, who was selling pencils door to door in his neighborhood. When an interested adult at one house asked him the reasons for selling pencils. He replied, “I want to raise six million dollars to build a new hospital for the city.” Amazed, the inquiring adult exclaimed, “That’s a mighty big job for just one little boy, isn’t it?” “No,” the little boy responded, “I have a friend who is helping me.”

I love that little story because I love that little boy. I love hanging around people like that-those who dream big dreams-and I believe the world needs more people like this little boy. It needs people who are not afraid to dream and risk and dare to tackle great challenges. That is how progress is made and history is changed.

It was just 300 who were left from Gideon’s original army that defeated the Midianites, and it was only 120 faithful prayer warriors in that Upper Room who, after having received the promised Holy Spirit, ventured out boldly to win their world for Christ. And it was Jonathan with only one of his armor bearers who routed the whole Philistine army, because he knew that “Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or few.” (1 Samuel 14:6)

God has never been concerned with great numbers when it comes to accomplishing His will and purpose. The world needs dreamers, who desire to do great things for God, and who look to God and not the oddsmakers, for they know that one with God is always a majority.

A number of years ago, the late Robert Schuller, helped transform a non-descript drive-in movie theater in Orange County, California, into the magnificent Crystal Cathedral. Unfortunately, following Schuller’s death, the church’s  influence and its once famous television ministry waned, and today it is home of the Orange County Roman Catholic diocese.  Whatever one thinks of Schuller’s theology, one can not dispute the fact that what he accomplished for Christ was the direct result of his willingness to dream big dreams.

He writes, “My dreams had all come true and when the dream comes true it dies. It no longer sustains and feeds you. I have since written this prayer: ‘O God, let me die with my best dreams left unfulfilled’. It’s a profound prayer for if I lived to see all my dreams come true, I will have died before I died.” Renew Your Life! Catch a New Dream, Robert Schuller, p. 6

Whether in the church, at home, or in the office or on the athletic fields, we all must dare to dream big dreams, for dreams are the stuff from which success is made and the foundation on which progress is achieved. And you know it ain’t half bad when someone calls you a dreamer, for I know of another dreamer. His name was Joseph, and his brothers sarcastically labeled him a dreamer, and he didn’t do too bad for himself and his God.

Yours in faith and friendship,
Pastor Tom

Thursday, June 6, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: A Special Need for Prayer and Changing Dulcineas into beautiful Spanish Queens.

Dear Friends,

Before I share a devotional thought with you, let me ask of you to be in prayer for Jiju Johny and his son, Jeffrey, as they travel back to India to see Jiju’s wife Prasanna. They have been active in our church and both have been working in high tech jobs with AT&T. Prasanna went home several months ago to visit her family having every expectation that she would be allowed to return to her family. However, once she sought to return, she was unable to receive clearance. Jiju will be heading to India on Saturday in hopes of assisting her in her efforts to return. However, if he is unsuccessful, this wonderful family, who only came to know Christ  a year ago, will not be returning. Please pray for Jiju and Jeffrey as they return to India and for a favorable outcome of their immigration crisis.

One of my favorite plays is the “Man of La Mancha.” In it we witness how a would-be Spanish conquistador named Don Quixote was used to transform a woman, who pictured herself as a “wretched kitchen slut,” into a beautiful Spanish queen named Dulcinea. He simply gave her a new name and began treating her as a new person. The play closes with those unforgettable words we all have heard or sung: “To dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe, to bear the unbearable sorrow, to run where the brave dare not go.”

Like Don Quixote, we need to be dream believers for people who don’t believe in themselves.  And then we need to do and say the things that help them believe they can become the person we see them to be. We need to help them dream big dreams-seemingly impossible dreams- and let them know that we will always be there to support their dreams, no matter how big those dreams may be.

The German philosopher, Goethe appreciated the power we possess to bring change in people’s lives. He wrote “Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be.”

I remember hearing about a pastor who was called to a cold church. It had a reputation of being as frigid and unfriendly as an iceberg. Not willing to be deterred by its reputation, the pastor kept finding little things to applaud and affirm regarding the church’s warmth of Spirit. He kept pointing out examples of their friendliness, and he continually shared stories from the pulpit about the different ways that members were reaching out to new visitors. Before long, those members began to see themselves in the same way the pastor was describing them, warm, friendly, and caring and slowly the church was transformed into a different church, one where warmth and friendliness replaced a cold and unfriendly congregation.

Yes, there is power in the spoken word. Adam Clarke became a great scholar and preacher. He was also the author of a set of commentaries and a book called Christian Theology. But when he was a child his father told his teacher that “Adam wouldn’t do well in school.”  The father based his assessments on what he saw in his child at the time of his meeting with his teacher. The teacher responded, “He looks bright to me.” Those words changed the life of this eighteenth century Irish scholar. Just three words, but oh how powerful those words were and how wonderfully God used them to change this young boy’s life.

Whether it is our children, students, athletes, employees, or just anyone who crosses the pathways of our life, the expectations we have for them and the encouragement we offer them can unlock closed doors that open their lives for future success.

Paul exhorts us “not to let any unwholesome words come out of your mouth but only those that are helpful for building others up according to their needs.” (Ephesians 5:21)

Everyone needs encouragement, and everyone needs to have a Don Quixote in his/her life, who knows how the power of encouraging words can bring change in a person’s life. Who knows how the words you speak to someone might encourage them to see what they could become-even transforming a self-loathing woman like a Dulcinea into a beautiful Spanish queen.

Start praying today for God to bring a Dulcinea into your life, and then ask Him to show you how to encourage them and help them see and believe their life can be wonderfully transformed into that beautiful Spanish queen.

Yours in faith and friendship,
Pastor Tom

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: Don't Miss This Special Summer Activity

Dear Friends, 

I was reading the Asbury Park Press this morning, and one of the articles featured detailed a host of summer activities that are taking place in and around our immediate area. The list was long, and anyone who lives near the Jersey Shore should have no excuse for not finding things to do with your family this summer. However, of all the activities mentioned, there was one activity that that was noticeably absent, and it is called Bridgefest.

For those of you who may not know, I was blessed to be a part of the staff at Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, and during my five years of ministry there, I was blessed to be involved with Bridgefest, the church's annual summer outreach held in Ocean Grove. If you and your family have never taken advantage of this summer activity, let me encourage you to put it on your calendar today.

This year's Bridgefest will be held on Saturday, June 22, in historic Ocean Grove. There will be a youth rally, surf clinic, kids’ activities, boardwalk games, food trucks, vendors, and for me the highlight of them all, beach baptisms where as many as 200 adults and children are baptized in the ocean waters.

Throughout the day you can choose to sit under the teaching of some of your favorite radio speakers who appear daily on The Bridge, on 95.1 FM. In the evening, Big Daddy Weave will perform and Pancho Juarez, pastor of the Ark in Montebello, Ca. will be the crusade speaker. Each year hundreds of people stream forward following the invitation to receive Jesus.

Pastor Lloyd Pulley, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge will preside as the concert host and teacher.

If you have never taken advantage of this gigantic spiritual buffet of family activities, you owe it to yourself to take part. I promise that you will find it one of the highlights of all your family activities this summer.

Bring your beach chairs and blankets, your Bibles and bathing suits and enjoy the time of your lives at this year's Bridgefest.

And by the way, if you want to listen to encouraging and spiritual uplifting radio, then why not turn to The Bridge, as it shares the wonderful message of hope on 95.1 FM.

For more information or to reserve tickets for the concert or event, call 888.861.6100 and tell them Pastor Tom encouraged you to attend. No, it won't get you any discount or special treatment, but what it will get you is the spiritual time of your life, and a day that you will never forget. 

See you at Bridgefest!

Yours in faith and friendship,
Pastor Tom

Thursday, May 23, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: DIMITT, an Acrostic I used to Share with My Basketball Team

Dear Family,

Determination is a wonderful quality to possess. It is the key ingredient for success in any endeavor we undertake. I remember someone describing determination as "the ability to hang in there for just one more round. It is the willingness to get up one more time than we get knocked down.

A young fellow wanted to be a star journalist, but he lived in a small town where there was not much opportunity for advancement. One day the stream upstream broke and the town was flooded. He got into a rowboat and headed out to look for a story to write. He found a lady sitting on her rooftop. He tied up his boat and told her what he was after. They both watched as various items floated by.

He said to the lady, "Now there is a story."

"Oh no said the lady that's not a story." Finally, a hat floats by and then does a 180 degree turn, goes upstream a ways and does another 180 degree turn. The fellow says, "Now there is a real story to write about."

 "She said, "Oh no, that's not a story. That's my husband Hayford. He said he was going to mow the lawn come hell or high water."

Now there is a man who wasn't real bright, but you couldn't criticize him for his lack of determination. He possessed the determination of a Ulysses S Grant who was quoted in Readers' Digest as saying, "One of my suppositions has always been when I started to go anywhere or do anything, never to turn back or to stop until the thing intended was accomplished."

The Apostle Paul was like that, wasn't he? He writes in 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 (Living Bible) "We are pressed on every side by trouble, but not crushed and broken. We are perplexed because we can't know why things happen as they do, but we don't give up and quit. We are down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going."

I love that kind of determination. When Jesus tells us to "seek first the kingdom of God," the very word 'seek' implies a strong-minded pursuit. J. B. Phillips paraphrases the idea with the words "set your heart on”.  The Amplified Bible says, "Aim at and strive after." The thought in all of these translations is whatever the obstacle you face, don't ever give in and don't ever give up."

I don't know what you are facing today or how great the temptation might be to throw in the towel. You may be thinking to yourself, I would like to pick up, pack up and pull out. I would love to get out of Dodge as fast as I can.

Nehemiah faced the temptation to do just that when those around him began looking at a half-built wall surrounding Jerusalem. The people began to question whether they had the strength to complete the task. And with the critics quick to plant the seeds of discouragement, and enemies threatening the lives of the workers, Nehemiah remains undeterred, and he presses forward despite the obstacles. Nehemiah encourages his people by his example of determination.  "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes." Nehemiah 4:14.

Nehemiah knew that "the difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination." and he wasn't about to quit. When we are faced with such situations, we need to do two things: "Remember the Lord," as Nehemiah exhorted his people to do, and "resist retreat" knowing that "The Lord who is great and awesome (will) will fight for (you)."

Yours in faith and friendship,

Pastor Tom

P.S. When I coached, I used to give my basketball players an acrostic. It was DIMITT. It was to remind them that "determination is more important than talent."

Thursday, May 16, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: Words That Changed My Ministry

Dear Friends,

Last week I attended the funeral of a dear friend of mine, whose words back in 1969 changed the direction of my life and ministry. Those words came from the lips of Dick Armstrong, who had been a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, and who had passed away at age 94.

Dick enjoyed a varied career in both the secular and religious worlds. He was a professional baseball player, an accomplished pianist and composer of music. He was the director of public relations for the Baltimore Orioles baseball team, and the first person to introduce the idea of team mascots to professional sports, his Mr. Oriole being the first professional team mascot to appear on the field. Dick, who had pastored one of the largest churches in the Presbyterian denomination, was also a prolific writer who authored seven books and had been working on three others at the time of his death.  Dick was the most amazing and multi gifted man I have ever met. His obituary filled a full page of the Princeton newspaper. 

I first met Dick thorough the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, while he was serving as President of the National Trustee Board for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Our interests in sports and faith provided a natural attraction, and thus began a friendship that we maintained for almost 50 years.  Living in the Princeton area provided me the opportunity of visiting with him on a number of occasions, and I never left our times together without feeling encouraged and inspired to be a better person and a better pastor.

But now about those words that changed the trajectory of my life and ministry. Dick had been serving as interim pastor at the Cedar Park Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, and one day he called and asked me if I would be interested in considering the pastorate at Cedar Park.  Cedar Park was a predominately white church in a 90 percent black community, and the challenge facing the church was one of integration.  At the time I was serving a small church in Syracuse New York. I knew little, if anything, about urban ministry, and having grown up in a predominately white community of Watertown, New York, I  felt totally incompetent and unprepared for the kind of ministry the church needed. Dick was persistent, however, and on two different occasions he called and encouraged me to at least explore the possibility. Each time I politely told him I was not interested. 

After our third conversation, however, he closed with the words that changed my thinking about my direction for ministry. Dick said, "Tom, I believe You're the man for this ministry." Dick believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. He had confidence in my abilities at a time when I felt totally inadequate. I couldn't  get those words out of my mind. Dick believes in me!

Belief in someone is a powerful force in shaping one's life, and it was those nine words, and, of course,  the power of the Holy Spirit that changed my attitude about my limitations and inadequacies to serve Cedar Park. I accepted Dick's challenge, pursued the position and became Cedar Park's pastor. The next seven years of my ministry were life changing for me and our family as our church became one of the few integrated churches in Philadelphia, and I grew in my ability to pastor in ways I never imagined.

Encouraging words are powerful and life changing as Dick's words were for me. They can become the positive push that can alter the direction of our lives. They can become "the wind beneath our wings" that enable us to soar beyond the limits of our own expectations.

The Apostle Paul fully realized the power of the 'positive push' when he exhorts us "To encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are already doing. " 1 Thess. 5:11

Is there someone in your life who would benefit from your words of encouragement?

Why not drop them note or pick up the phone and give them a call. I promise you that you will be glad you did, and so will the person you contact. Who knows what your words might be as life changing as Dick's words were for me.

Yours in faith and friendship,
Pastor Tom