Wednesday, November 27, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: Thanksgiving Thoughts on Praying for Others

Dear Friends,

This morning with Thanksgiving in mind, I was pondering the topic of thankfulness. I turned to 2 Corinthians 1, verses 8-11 in particular where Paul describes his sufferings, which he says were so “utterly unbearable that he felt crushed to the point of despairing of life.”

And what caught my attention was in verse 11, where he states “You (Corinthians) also join in helping us by your prayers, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.”

I pondered that verse for several minutes, and not being exactly sure what to make of it, I went to one of my commentaries for help. It expressed the fact that Paul is thanking the Corinthians for their prayers that helped him and his friends through their difficult time of suffering. The answers to their prayers, he says provided an opportunity for the many who prayed to give thanks for the answers to their prayers. 

So whenever we face difficulties, the more open and honest we should be about sharing our prayer concerns with others, for the more people we ask to pray for us, the more people will enjoy the opportunity to rejoice and give thanks when their prayers are answered.

The Yiddish Proverb reminds us that “prayers go up, and blessings come down.”  So, let’s keep praying so that God keeps blessing.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Pastor Tom

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: Measuring Your Spiritual Growth

Dear Friends,

We have a cottage on Lake Ontario in northern New York, and one of our most significant annual family traditions was to measure the annual growth of our children. One of the first actions they would take after our five-and-a-half-hour pilgrimage to the lake would be to run into our bedroom, where Jean and I would measure them to see how many inches they had grown over the previous year. I remember how excited they were to be measured. They seem to take competitive pride in noting who had grown the most. Those growth marks are still penciled on the wall of our bedroom. This past summer I was once again reminded of these visual growth testimonies, and I thought to myself how grateful Jean and I are that all of our children are healthy and still growing-albeit not in the physical sense as measured by some old pencil marks on a wall, but in the spiritual sense of maturing in their understanding of who they are as children of the King. There is no stunted growth in any of their lives. 

The Apostle Peter reminds us that we are to "grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ". (2 Peter 3:18). "Like newborn babies, crave spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good" (1 Peter 2:2-3).   Growth like children is not automatic for as Tennessee Ernie Ford used to say (I know this reference really dates me) "Too many people start out at the bottom and sort of like it there."  How sad that many of our lives are spiritually stunted, maybe we stopped growing many years ago, and sadly we are now learning that death begins where growth ends. 

I don't remember who said it, but many years ago I copied a quote that I have never forgotten, the writer said, "When someone misses the opportunity for growth and improvement, he may feel regret. If he goes long enough without growing, he begins to feel he has had an unused life. And that is not unlike an early death". 

How unlike the words of William Barclay, the author of one of the best New Testament commentaries ever written who said, "We should count it a wasted day when we do not learn something new and when we have not penetrated more deeply into the wisdom and the grace of God."  

It is easy to be like the child who decided he would quit school. He said "I hate school; it is an awful place. All they do is ask a lot of questions. I can't write. I don't know how to read, and they won't let me talk. There is nothing to it, so I quit."  "But son," the dad said, "you are only in kindergarten."  And there are some who still may be at the kindergarten stage of their spiritual development. They haven't gone far enough for the fun. They are spirituality stunted, stagnant saints who have never learned that death begins where growth ends. 

Only toadstools pop up overnight. Growth takes time, it takes effort, and it takes a steadfast commitment to daily self-improvement. One of my favorite writers was the legendary basketball coach John Wooden who once said, "It is what you learn after you know it all that counts." 

So, my encouragement to all of us, myself included, is to find that spiritual wall in your home and see how you measure up. Are you growing and if not, why not? Today can be the start of a new commitment to spiritual growth, and a good place to begin is at Genesis 1:1 and a wonderful place to end is Revelation 22:21. I promise if you read everything in between you will be a different person, maybe becoming a spiritual giant in comparison with what you were a few years ago. Let me encourage you to join a Bible study or a small group or a Sunday school class. Look for a place to serve, commit to worshipping weekly, giving generously, and serving passionately.  Make a difference in someone else's life, and you will make a difference in yours as well. 

I end with the words of a senior saint who ends his correspondence, with these closing words: "Yours at 83 and still growing." 

May each of us capture his spirit.

Yours in faith and friendship,
Pastor Tom

Thursday, November 14, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: What Group Are You In-50%, 40%, or 10%?

Dear Friends,

Many of us have heard of the 80-20 Principle which states that 80 percent of the work in any organization will be done by 20 percent of the people. However, I recently read a recent Gallup poll that suggests that the working few are even fewer than this poll would suggest.

The Gallup poll taken a few years ago suggests that only 10 percent of church members will be actively involved in some aspect of ministry. The same poll also revealed that 50 percent of church members won’t serve in any capacity, no matter what you try to do to enlist their involvement.  So that leaves 40 percent of the church who would willingly serve if given the opportunity.

Shortly after reading this, I had a dream-seriously-and I imagined I was standing before the congregation and during my sermon I asked by a show of hands how many would love to do something for the church, and guess what? Every hand was raised. It was a pastor’s dream until I realized it was just that, only a dream. Yes, there was some congregational fibbing going on. Some who raised their hands weren’t serious about service; they only raised their hands because they had been shamed into service.

Now let me say this about those in the 50 percent category. They may be no less spiritual, or no less committed than others in the congregation. They love Jesus like others in the church, but they may have decided to invest their time in non-church activities. Hopefully, those in this 50 percent category will one day discover the joy that springs from serving with others where lasting relationships are formed and friendships are fashioned. However, if statistics are true, this may never happen.

Now for those in the 10 percent category, let me say thanks for the ways you have chosen to serve. This church would not be what it is today without your unselfish service, and for that service we are most thankful.

Now if you are among the 40 percent who would like to serve in some capacity but have never been asked or who have wondered what you could do, let me suggest a few places where you might begin.

There is always a need for people to help with the transportation of our senior saints, who need rides to and from church. Some of them have need for light shopping, and others would just love a personal visit.  There are also members living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, who would be overjoyed to know that someone cared enough to spend a few minutes of their time with them.

There are opportunities to provide meals for those coming home from the hospital, or who because of some health challenges, might enjoy an occasional home cooked meal. Our Youth groups are always looking for those willing to cook an occasional meal for their Thursday night meetings, and if you are interested in providing such a meal, please contact Ellen Durant.

We have several men and women serving in the armed forces who would love to receive a letter or a care package or who would be encouraged to know that you were regularly praying for them. It is always nice to be remembered on your birthday, and some of you who have writing gifts might enjoy penning greetings to those celebrating birthdays or other special occasions.

Next week, we will once again be delivering food for Thanksgiving to those in the Middletown area, who are going through some challenging times.  Volunteering to be a part of the delivery system is a great way to serve and spread Christ’s love. To volunteer please speak to Pastor Nick.

You may not feel competent to do hospital calling, but let me assure you that if you are willing to undertake such a ministry, we will train you. One of my best friends is the hospital chaplain at Riverview, and he repeatedly reminds me of the need for people to do hospital visitation.

The Fellowship Hour doesn’t just happen on its own. There are people who assist in setting up chairs and breaking down tables, and who help set out the food and assist with the cleanup.

We can always use teachers and teachers’ aides, nursery helpers, and check-in personnel.

There is always a need for greeters, and welcome table volunteers, and if this is an interest you possess, all you must do is speak with one of our pastors.

We are always looking for people to stuff bulletins or do filing, or be available to assist your staff with secretarial skills. If you are a gardener there are flowers to plant, and if you are a painter there are walls to paint. There are repairs to be done if you have carpentry or plumbing or electrical skills, and if you like to knit or crochet, there are always baby blankets to be fashioned, and if you interested in audio visual activities you could serve with our audio visual team.

If you don’t see a place where you can be involved, then just ask God to show you what you might be able to do to share His love with others. Someone once said that “The secret to success is to find a need and fill it.” You just might be the filler!

Why not start praying today about what you could do to serve Jesus. You may not think it is much, but like those loaves and fish the little boy placed in the hands of Jesus, He can multiply their value a thousand-fold.

As pastors we would love to hear any ideas you have for serving God, so start praying and let’s look forward to the exciting ministries that God desires to  birth among his people.

Yours in faith and friendship,
Pastor Tom

Thursday, November 7, 2019

New Monmouth Musings: “What I Learned from Dave Furniss About Doing Ministry”

Dear Friends

I confess that at times counseling can be challenging, and yes, even frustrating, especially when people keep coming back with the same issues without ever putting into practice the actions you suggest. It reminds me of the story of the pastor who turned undertaker. When asked why he switched vocations, he said when I was a counselor people would come to me and I would try to straighten them out, but they would keep coming back again and again with the same issues. I just grew too frustrated to continue, so I decided to become an undertaker, and now when people come to me when I straighten them out, they stay straightened.

As a pastor, it is hard to see people fail to heed the counsel you often provide, especially when they continue to return complaining that nothing has changed in their life.

Dave Furniss is one person, who proved to be an exception to this pattern. Dave is the guy who can be seen walking up and down the pews greeting people as people are singing our first worship song. One day I commented to him how proud I was of how he had gotten out of his comfort zone to greet people in a what some would call a rather untraditional way. I asked him what prompted his decision to greet people in the way he did. Now Dave was never shy, mind you, about engaging people, but I never recall him being so eager and so outgoing in his efforts to make people feel welcome. When I asked him, what motivated him to become a “model” greeter, “ He said I watched and listened to you and when you kept telling us how important it was to greet people, I simply did what you told us to do. Wow! May his tribe increase.

Dave has been going through treatment for cancer, and he was not in the service last Sunday, but  his greeting mission went uninterrupted, as I took a cue from him, and proceeded to try and fill his shoes, while walking the aisles during the first hymn and greeting as many people as I could,  just like he taught me. I felt a little uncomfortable interrupting people’s singing, but it was worth it knowing that I was helping to carry on Dave’s ministry even when he wasn’t there. It is a wonderful thing when people heed the advice and challenges of their pastors, but it is just as wonderful when as pastors we learn and heed the advice of our people. That’s why I often remind you that ministry is mutual; we learn from each other.

Now I have never been in a church where greeting people continued through the singing of the first hymn, but I like it, and I hope you do too. In fact, I personally plan on carrying on Dave’s unconventional greeting, and I would offer you a challenge to do the same. What if three or four or five of us chose to get outside our comfort zone and join in carrying on Dave’s welcoming ministry each Sunday. But if this challenge proves to be too much of a stretch for you, let me give you a few alternatives. Why not greet and get to know and welcome the people sitting around you before or after service? Why not invite them to join you in the Family Ministry Center following service? Why not invite them to a Bible study or a special event? And lastly, for those who are really looking to go out on the limb and “do something uncomfortable for God”, why not invite them to your home for a meal and time of fellowship?

Not only will you make Dave and your pastors happy, but you will bring great joy to the One who taught us “to love one another just as He has loved us,” for in doing so “the whole world will come to know that we are His disciples.” John 13:34-35

Yours in faith and friendship,

Pastor Tom