Friday, April 24, 2020

Leadership Thought: How to Fix the Wobble in Your Life.

Dear Friends,

A couple of days ago Pastor Nick shared with me an interesting drawing he found on the Internet that provides a quick way of assessing the balance in one's life.  I share it with you thinking it might be helpful to you as well. The drawing originated with, Richard Duncan, a pastor in Ohio.

Duncan pictures a circle with "Faith in Jesus" in the middle and 8 spokes extending outward to create a pie shaped diagram. In each of those eight shaped pieces and starting at the top right he writes the following categories: family (love),  friends (social), focus (mental), feelings (emotional), field (career), finance (money), fitness (health), and fun (recreation).

All these 8 "F" words remind us of 8 important areas of our life.
And then he suggests  we evaluate each of these areas in our life by asking the question, "how are we doing in each of them?" Are we thriving, surviving, or reviving?  And having done this, he then asks the following questions:

1. What areas do you need to focus on the most?

2. What are your next steps?

3. Who can help you?

4. When will I start?

If any of the spokes of a bicycle tire are out of line, the result will be a wobbling tire. The same is true of our lives as well. Is your life wobbling a bit? If so, why not take some time this weekend to do a little self-reflection as you ask yourself if there are any areas that need a little adjustment? 

But remember it all starts in the middle with your faith in Jesus. Without Him being in the center of your life, you will never be able to permanently fix the wobble and who wants to wobble their way through life?

Have a great weekend.

Yours in faith and friendship,

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