Thursday, January 2, 2025

Leadership Thought: Living Like Believers in a Politically Charged World

Dear Friends,

I attended a high school basketball game the other day, and I sat in the stands behind a fan who sported a huge silver cross on a gold chain dangling from his neck.

Now I am always interested in watching the behavior of those whose outward apparel suggests a lifestyle consistent with Christian values. In this case, I was sad to say this fan somehow missed the message. At every call that went against his team, he voiced his displeasure at the officials by consistently making derogatory comments about their lack of abilities.

The experience brought me back to this summer when I felt led to purchase and wear a cross, something I'd never done. I am not a jewelry kind of guy, but never wanting to be accused of being ashamed of my faith and knowing that the display of a cross might be a helpful witnessing tool, I walked into TJ Maxx and purchased my first ever piece of jewelry.  I wanted people to know I was a believer, and that I was trying to live in a way that was consistent with the cross I wore.

I wonder if every believer wore the identifying mark of the cross, it would make any real difference in the way we related to one another. Would it change the way we thought or acted around those who didn’t share our same perspectives? Apparently, it didn’t seem to impact this fan’s behavior.

In our politically charged environment, I have heard too many believers speak disparagingly of those who don’t share their same views

I would remind all who are Christ followers, whether Republicans, Democrats or something in between that there is no place for hate filled speech. As believers we must value and respect those who disagree with our point of view.

Christians, of all people, should be able to disagree with others without being disagreeable. There should be no place in our lives for hate speech of any form.

Most people are longing to see a greater presence of civility in our nation’s discourse, and those of us who are believers need to be better examples of the One who taught us to love our enemies.

What we all need to recognize is that we can’t be like Jesus unless we love like Jesus. This goes for my basketball friend in the stands as well as all those who sit beside me in church

It is impossible for us to be like Jesus unless we love like Jesus

If Jesus loved and valued cheating tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers and the social outcasts of the world, should we not be expected to do the same?

It’s time for all of us as Christians, regardless of our personal, racial, social, or political views to step up and live out our faith, so the world sees that our faith really does make a difference in how we live.

And may we never forget that those who don’t share our same views are not the enemy; the enemy is within!

Yours in faith and friendship,


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