Church Family,
an exhilarating time we spent last week, as we worshiped together and witnessed
the baptism and testimonies of our new members. The church was packed and there
was an incredible spirit of love throughout the sanctuary. As elder John O’Neill stated, “my tie was wet
with tears of joy, as I listened to the remarkable testimonies of those who stepped
forward to join the church.” John’s
charge to the congregation along with Gary
Steidl’s closing remarks, coupled with Bill
Roberts’ prayer were all a reminder of how blessed we are to have such
mature and committed church leaders, as we continue to move forward into the
happened. I have been encouraging people to go the extra mile in greeting and
welcoming people, and Chris and Tanuja
Kailas did just that. When a new visitor came, Chris escorted her over to sit
with Tanuja, so that she would feel more comfortable worshiping in a church for
the first time. Chris and Tanuja, thanks for your great example.
you see a visitor, especially one who is here for the first time, don’t just
say hi, greet them with a handshake or a hug, but go the extra mile. Ask them
if they would like to sit with you and then spend some time after the service
getting to know them.
Vanessa Briggs’
elementary school teacher visited us on Sunday, thanks to Vanessa’s continued encouragement
to her to visit. She had grown disenchanted with her church, and she was
finally ready to venture out to church again. I sat with her in the Family
Ministry Center and was blessed to learn of her relationship with Vanessa, and
how that relationship resulted in her presence and her decision to worship with
us in the future.
was the last time you invited someone to church? The sign of a growing church
is seen in the number of people being invited to worship each Sunday. Don’t
give up after one effort, but keep asking, keep inviting, and keep praying.
I was
so blessed this past Saturday our combined men’s and women’s fellowship program
with Scott Fritz and Joe Gratzel, who addressed the subject of suicide. Around
75 people, both young and old, were present for an outstanding presentation,
but highlighting the day for me was the music presentation by our talented young people. They sang three
selections and their contribution was the highlight of my day. Thank you Mark Best for encouraging and pouring
your life into these young people. I feel confident that if they stay together
they will one day be using their gifts to bless other churches and other
ministries. They are a terrifically talented group.
newly formed deacon board has been meeting for the last three months and they
are presently engaged in a calling and visiting ministry. Teddie O’Neill recently spoke at our monthly meeting, providing
training on hospital and home visitation, and each of our new deacons are now stepping
out of their comfort zones to reach out to a number of people in our church.
can’t wait for you to see our new welcome area. Not new in the sense of just
built, but new in the sense of being refreshed and updated with a special
woman’s touch. You will see new wall hangings, posters, tract racks, all of
which are a present reminder of our commitment to welcoming new visitors.
Thanks Erin Nicastro for your
special “welcoming touch.” Thanks also to all of the Welcome Table volunteers,
who each week serve behind the welcome table, helping to make new visitors feel
so very much at home
I am
encouraged by the increased number on our worship team. Thanks Walt Graczyk for your efforts to recruit new people, both young and old,
to this ministry. Just two Sundays ago four of our young people were upfront
playing drums, guitar and keyboard along with our adult worship team members.
week, we are blessed to have a number of U
Turn for Christ members on campus to help address all kinds of facility needs.
U Turn for Christ is an addiction ministry with a spiritual component designed
to help men find recovery through Jesus. Each week, we have the opportunity to
pour into their lives through lunch and a devotional we share. They are a great
resource, as they share their time and expertise to help maintain our
facilities. Of late, they have done a lot of painting in the downstairs kitchen
area. They work under the able oversight of Dennis Durant. Our intentions are to renovate the downstairs
kitchen area and plans are now being made for new carpet, new lighting and a
new stove.
to Donna Bisgrove, who once again helped
provide a beautiful array of Easter Lilies up front, as we celebrated Easter
with the largest attendance we have had in a number of years.
also to our custodian Evie Best who
is the premier church custodian. I often tell her that she maintains the
cleanest facilities of any church I have ever visited. Many first-time visitors
will judge a church, not by the sermons, but by the spotlessness of the
facilities, especially the bathrooms. No need to worry about that with Mrs.
Evie, for our bathrooms, and all our church facilities are immaculate, thanks
to her conscientious attention.
kudos to Eileen Thomas and Karen Bottari, along with a host of
other weekly volunteers who set up such and clean up for our Family Fellowship
time on Sundays following the service. We are presently looking for volunteers
to help share in this ministry, and if you would be willing to help with set-up
and clean-up once every two months, please speak to either one of them. And by
the way, if you haven’t visited the Family Ministry Center of late, you need
to. You will be amazed at the number of people who congregate following
services. There is no better time or place to meet and greet new people.
could go on and on extolling the various ministries here at New Monmouth
Baptist Church. Suffice is to say, we are blessed by these and so many others
who have stepped up to use their gifts in the service of Christ. A growing
church is one where there is no “unemployment”. So, if you are currently
unemployed and looking for work there are ministry needs available, so why not
speak to one or our pastoral staff. I think you will be glad you did.
in faith and friendship,
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