Leadership Thought: Words from a 90-Year-Old Man That Made My Heart Sing, and More!
Dear Friends,
Thanks for those of you who responded to yesterday’s Leadership Thought
regarding the importance of reading and feeding daily on God’s Word. I was
surprised to find out how many of you indicated that reading the bible
regularly was a challenge.
One of the most interesting responses was by a Fort Lauderdale
friend with whom I coached basketball. He writes
in response to my “No Bible, no Breakfast” challenge: “?????,
No bible, no breakfast, I think that’s why I am so skinny” He went on to say,
“I need to spend some more time in his Word….a challenge for the New Year,
and then I can enjoy a hearty breakfast.”
Another writes, “important motivation. I needed that! Thanks."
Someone else wrote, “Thanks for sharing! Reading and
being in the Word helps. It comforts me strengthens me and gives me direction.
It guides my thoughts and actions!"
Praise God for His Amazing Grace!”
But the best word of all came from a 90-year-old friend who wrote “I must
admit, sorry to say, I am not one of those 9 % (who reads the Bible
daily). I try and get to look at the Bible at least two- or three-times
of my week, but there always seems to be so much to do every day. I am
going to make a concentrated effort to try and improve that part life.”
To coin the words from the Troggs ( I know that dates me) who sang
“Wild Thing”- his response “made my heart sing.”
I wrote back and thanked him for his encouragement. Why? Because
my goal each morning is not to send out something that informs but something
that transforms. Oh, I am happy to read someone’s comment thanking me for
something I said, but my purpose goes far beyond that. I want to make a
difference. I want to hear about change. I want to learn how something I said
has made a difference in how someone is living his/her life.
So, thanks for taking time to respond and please let me know about
any change a message has made in your life. Motivation and Inspiration
are fine, but transformation is what all of us should be about. Each of us is
called to help others grow in their faith and make a difference in the lives of
On another subject, last week at our Spiritual Leadership class,
we discussed the topic of delegation, something that we all agreed was an
important quality for a leader to possess. One of the delegation
commitments I made when we started the class was that leadership would
delegated, and everyone would take responsibility for leading our
group. For some that may have been a little threatening, but each member has
stepped up to the plate and hit home runs. My hope is that one or two of those
members will be leading new groups in the months to come. "No success
without a successor."
There was a lot of good discussion regarding the importance of
delegation. Each meeting is initiated by the sharing of a favorite quote
on the subject of leadership, and I thought I would share a few that were
specifically shared on the subject of delegation.
“I would rather put a thousand men to work than do the work of a
thousand men.” D. L. Moody
“Only do what only you can do.” Paul Sloan
“Don’t tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and let
them surprise you with the results.” George Patton.
“Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.”
Source unknown
“No person will make a great business who wants to do it all
himself or get all of the credit.” Andrew Carnegie
“If someone can do what you do 80% as well as you can do it, then
delegate it.” John Maxwell.
As I close, I would love to hear how some of you have changed your
bible reading habits or delegation stories that have impacted your life. But be
careful what you share, for someday you might see your words in print.
Have a great weekend, and remember it will only be a great weekend
if you make the weekend great for someone else.
Yours in faith because of Jesus,
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