Leadership Thought: The Passing of My Dearest Friend and Lover
Dear Friends.
Early this morning death finally conquered the body of my dear wife,
but thankfully it never conquered her spirit and her soul.
Parkinson may have robbed her body of life, but it could never
crush her indomitable spirit. In these last few years, she not only battled
Parkinson, but she endured breast cancer surgery, four painful years
of Shingles, three months of Sciatica and several painful bouts with UTIs.
In spite of all these ailments, she joyfully endured to the very
end, and she never once gave in or gave up as she looked forward to her new
life in heaven that Jesus had promised her.
She spent her last days surrounded by her family and friends who
loved and admired her.
The Sunday before Jean passed, we had gone to Outback, something
that she was determined to do, although she could no longer walk. And as
difficult as it was to move her from her home hospital bed down the
second-floor stairs and then to the car and to the restaurant and
then back home again, she gave it her all. In retrospect, I am afraid she
didn’t have much left when she arrived home, but in doing so she had accomplished
a feat which she had hoped and planned to do and something we all thought
was next to impossible.
Many of us were privileged to climb into bed with her and wrap our
arms around her, as we reminded her of just how much we loved her and how proud
we were of the wife and mother and friend she has been to all of us.
Although lying in bed and seemingly unresponsive, I
trust the words we whispered in her ears were heard and received as
wonderful reminders of the legacy of love she has left each of us.
She lived those final hours surrounded by children and
grandchildren who were personally present or who shared
their love for her through face time.
We laughed and cried as we gathered around her, listening to
Christian music and enjoying remembrances of her life, laughter and love.
We played and sang some of her favorite songs “You’re My Best
Friend,” Don Williams, (a song we loved to sing together when we were driving
in the car); “Raise a Hallelujah,” and "The Goodness of God," Bethel
Music; “How Great Thou Art, ”Carrie Underwood; “Amazing Grace, ”Alan
Jackson; "Jealous of the Angels," Jenn Bostic; and “You Are My
Sunshine” which she loved to sing to her little ones.
Again and again during those final six months of her life she
shared with many of us how she was ready and longing to go to heaven. She was
well prepared for eternity and to meet Jesus whom she loved and longed to see.
Paul asks, “O death where is they sing, o grave where is thy
victory?” And then he triumphantly answers his question as he replies, “Thanks
be unto Christ who gives us the victory.” She well knew the culmination of that
victory that was soon to be hers.
I have never cried so hard or hurt so much the past few days, and
while she was always ready and looking forward to being with Jesus, I
confess I was selfish and struggled with the idea of letting her go. But
in the final few days when most all of my tears had dried up, and I was able to
release her to her heavenly Father.
In spite of our loss, I am encouraged knowing that I will see her
again, along with all those others who have also put their trust in Christ and
who have raced on ahead to welcome her. Praise God that those of us who are
left behind, and who have surrendered their lives to Jesús will never have to
say their final goodbyes, just “so long, I’ll see you later.”
As I mentioned, I struggled with the thought of giving her up, but
I couldn't help thinking of those who die with no hope of heaven. If it was so
hard for me to suffer the loss of my precious Jean, even though I know she was
bound for heaven, I can’t imagine what it would be like for those who have no
hope of heaven, but only await the sentence of death and final judgement.
Knowing this, I plead with you who have never experienced the joy
and peace of personally knowing Jesus and His power to transform death into
life to accept his offer of life eternal by putting your faith and trust in Him.
Paul writes, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the
old has passed away and the new had come." (2 Cor 5:17).
Jean has entered into that new and everlasting life, and I have
too, and because of that I believe I will see her again.
This new life only comes by accepting what Jesus has done for us
upon the cross where he cancelled our sin’s debt and freely offered us the way
to eternal life.
It is as simple as saying your ABC’s Admit you are a
sinner, Believe Christ died for you, and Confess He is the Lord
of your life.
If you have never done this, please don’t put it off. Click on the
link below for a full explanation of how to inherit eternal life.
Right now, plans for Jean’s Celebration of Life have yet to be
determined, but when they are determined, I invite all of you to join us as we
remember and celebrate this special wife, mother, sister, grandmother, and
dearest friend.
No more lying on the raft in Henderson Harbor, eating Trader Joe's
chocolate covered Hand Cones, looking for her phone or the TV changer, holding
babies in her arms, something which she loved to do, and no more asking
me to "Please clean out the fridge." or repeat again and again, "What
did you say?"
None of those things will be important nor necessary for in heaven
she will want for nothing as she sits at the feet of Jesus, while listening to
those of us she left behind singing the words from Jenn Bostic's
"Jealous of the Angels."
Yours in faith and friendship,
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