Monday, January 8, 2024

Leadership Thought: "That's What Friends Are For”

Dear Friends,

Years ago,  I remember reading an article  discouraging pastors from getting to close to their members. “Don’t make close friends with some of them or you will be accused of favoritism which will create issues for your ministry. 

I can tell you after 50 plus years of ministry I am so glad I ignored that writer's ‘wisdom.’

I know I would never have made it the ministry without those close and special friends that God gave me over the years of my ministry.

For the past couple of days, I have been in bed, the result of a bronchial infection I caught while on a skiing vacation in Winter Haven, Colorado with all my kids and grandkids.

I periodically got up to check my e-mails, and it was then that I discovered an e-mail I had missed before I left for Colorado. It was from a friend in the church, and I share a portion of it.

“Tom, I have been meaning to reach out to you. Glad to hear you are benefiting from the Grief Share group. I pray as you join your family for this first Christmas without Jean there will be great comfort and support around the table as you all continue to grieve. I pray that God’s grace will cover each of your hearts as you are adjusting to living without her.” 

“May God bless each of you in a very unique and personal way this “Christ”mas season.” 

“Love and miss you, Tom.”

After reading that letter, I went back to bed physically and spiritually fortified by my friend’s kind and loving words.

For the next hour, I lay in bed recalling and reflecting on those many  "unfair weather friends"  who over the years have my life. And as I did, how grateful I was to have ignored the writer’s exhortation to avoid getting too close to your congregation.

One of the greatest blessings of my ministry has come as a result to getting close to my people.

And as I lay there in bed recalling some of those dear friends whom God had used to touch my life, the phone rang. It was a couple of other dear church friends who were concerned about me and who wanted me to know they were going to the  store to purchase some medicine that had been especially helpful to them when they were sick. And then throughout the day, they continued to call and check on me.

How blessed to be loved in such a wonderful way.

Jean and I were so blessed to have accumulated so many wonderful friends along the years of our ministry. Every time we left one of the 7 churches we served, a part of our hearts were left behind. It hurts to say so long to friends who have impacted your life, but they are never far behind, for I always them in my heart wherever I go. They remain as some of my most treasured memories.

In 1985, it was the number one chart topper. In fact, it was the number one song of the year. It was sung by Dionne Warwick. and you probably can recite some of those words from “That’s What Friends Are For.”

"Keep smiling. Keep shining. knowing that you can always count on me for sure. That's what friends are for."

 I often ask people how have friends they have made impacted or imprinted their lives?"

 It's a great small group question, and one guaranteed to generate a lot of good discussion.

My mom used to remind me that, “The best way to have a friend was to be a friend,” and I hope that the many wonderful friendships that Jean and I  enjoyed over the years are the result of our efforts to live out her advice.

In one of my Bibles, I keep a stack of letters of love and encouragement that over the years I have received from dear friends who have been a part of my ministry.

Unquestionably, that Bible would be among one of the first things I would seek to retrieve should a fire ever consume our home. 

When the church at Philippi heard Paul was sick and in prison in Rome, they sent Epaphroditus on a 700-mile trip to visit him.

When it was time for Epaphroditus to return home, Paul was concerned that his friend would have to make the return trip alone.

There were a lot of acquaintances Paul could have asked to accompany Epaphroditus on his  dangerous 700-mile desert travel home, But instead of turning to his acquaintances, he turned to his good friend Timothy, and he asked him to join Epaphroditus on his trip home,” but that’s what friends are for.”

I hope you all have those “forever friends.”

Pastor and author Charles Stanley writes, “No matter what our position or status in life, we all need friends, especially those who are genuine, loyal, and lasting. If we have found a friend like this, we should be grateful, because he or she is a priceless possession.” (Charles Stanley, Sermon on Strong Friendships, part. 1)

So, get writing, get calling, get visiting, and if you do, there is no telling how many treasured friends you might make and how. many lives you might bless, “for that’s what friends are for.”

Yours in faith and friendship,


P. S. “If the world is cold, make it your business to build fires.” Horace Taubel

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