Leadership Thought: Who Is on Your Hero's List and Do They Know It?
Dear Friends,
Yesterday was one of those
rainy days when there was not much to do but stay inside and catch up on things
you've been putting off for a while.
As I was taking a
momentary break and relaxing in my comfortable lounge chair, my thoughts
drifted back to my past, and I began thinking of how lucky I was to have been
blessed with so many wonderful people in my life.
As my mind drifted back to
my early childhood, I thought of my mom, some coaches, and a couple of pastors.
Moving forward in time I began recalling other significant influencers who
touched my life in different ways. There were several church friends, a
writer, a well-known church leader, and a staff member-all of whom uniquely
shaped and impacted my life.
And not wanting to forget
these people and what they had meant to me, I slid out of my chair to my desk
and began typing their names on my computer screen, and with each name, I typed
a few lines about what made them so special to me.
For the next three hours,
I continued my memory journey until I finally stopped with four pages of
history staring at me from my computer screen. And when I stopped typing, I was
quickly reminded of other names I had left out and who should be included on
what I now call my "Heroes List."
I now knew the next step
in my remembrance journey was to say thanks to those on the list who were still
living and let them know how their lives had made a difference in mine.
My first opportunity came
later on in the day when I had dinner with a couple of neighborhood friends
whose names were on my list. I wanted them to personally know how much their
friendship had meant to me.
Unfortunately, many of
those whose names are included on my list have long since passed away and will
never know the impact they had on me on this side of eternity. However, I
intend to do everything I can to remind those who are still living that a part
of their life is living on in me.
"So what's your
point, Tom?" My point is simple. We all have special people in our life-
those heroes who have shaped and impacted us-those who have been difference
maker for us - they need to know how important they are to us.
Let none of us be guilty
of being "tombstone encouragers." If you know of people who are still
living who have made a difference in your life, get on the phone, or grab a pen
and some paper and drop them a note and let them know how grateful you are for
them. Do it now. Do it today while they are still 'living' memories.
Yours in
faith and friendship,
P.S. "If you know the
praise is due him,
Now's the time to give it to him,
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