Monday, February 10, 2025

Leadership Thought: A Touching Story, Disappointment, and the Good News of Salvation 

Dear Friends,

John Courson in his Life Application New Testament Commentary shares a touching story about his son Benjamin.

When my son Benjamin was four years old, he was completely and wonderfully obsessed with Bible stories and Bible characters. If you came to our house, chances are you would have seen Benjamin wearing what looked suspiciously like a burlap sack. That was his David outfit. He was David for a good part of each day. Then he would become Joshua, marching around and knocking down the building block walls. He loved Bible stories in a way that blew me away. Once on his "Special Day," I said, "Benjamin, where do you want to go? Do you want to go to the park? Do you want to go to McDonald's playland?"

"No, he wanted to go to the Christian bookstore. So that's where we went. We  spent two hours there, with Benjamin sitting on the floor looking at books and playing with puzzles. After watching Benny's enthusiasm, Fred, the owner, offered to hire him!

 Thus, it was not surprising that  after every service, Benjamin would head for the bookstore at Applegate Christian Fellowship. One week, he saw something that had escaped his notice in all of his previous visits.

Way up in the top shelf sat a Bible Nintendo game. Intrigued as he studied the picture of Noah and the ark, Joshua and Jericho, Jonah and the whale on the cover, Benjamin brought it home

Now, at four years of age, Benny was not very adept at video games, but he patiently and laboriously pushed the buttons and tried to advance to the different levels where he could see Noah's Ark sail, and Jericho's walls tumble down. After a couple of hours, however, frustration began to cloud his face. Finally, he said to my wife, Tammy, "Mommy, get a piece of paper and write down what I tell you. I want to send a letter to the bookstore?" This is what he said

“Dear Bookstore

 I am talking about Nintendo. Please help me to get to Goliath. Please help me to get to the flood of Noah and help the animals to go two by two. I am Benjamin. I am only four. Don't you know that? Bye, Bye, bookstore. I love you, bookstore.”

What a sweet and heartfelt letter. Frustrated that he didn’t receive the results he expected, Bemjamin wanted to know how to achieve his heart's desire.

Benjamin was disappointed because the game didn't end the way he thought it would.

Unfortunately, like Benjamin, there will also be many others who will be disappointed when they discover they didn’t receive what they expected. They stand face to face with the Lord thinking they are going to enter heaven, only to hear those disappointing words: “I never knew you.”

They have built their hopes for heaven on a false sense of security. They go to church, pray, help others, try to keep the 10  commandments, and genuinely live a morally good life. If you asked them about their life, they would say they certainly deserve and expect to go to heaven because of the way they had  lived their life.

Unfortunately, these people, like Benjamin, will suddenly be  surprised and disappointed to hear the Lord say, “Depart from Me.  I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:23)

They have assumed that all those wonderfully good works they  had conscientiously done throughout their lifetime will be enough to earn their way into heaven, never realizing that their works, while they may be good, will never be good enough to open the doorway to heaven.

Jesus says, “You must be perfect even as your heavenly Father is perfect,” and measured against that standard everyone falls short.

So, there must be another way, and there is. But it will never be through trying, but only through trusting-trusting in Christ and Him alone for your salvation.

Paul writes, “You were saved by faith in God , who treats us much better than we deserve. This is God’s gift to you and not anything you have done on your own. It isn’t something you have earned, so there is nothing you can brag about.” (Ephesians 2:8-9, Promise Translation).

Eternal life is a “free” gift, not because of anything we have done, but because of everything He has done.

Paul writes, “He saved us not because of any works of righteousness that we had done, but according to his mercy, through the water of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. (Titus 3:5)

Jesus says your works, no matter how good or how many they may be, will never be good enough to save you. Everything you need to be saved has already been done for you on a cross where Jesus bled and died for you and your sins. He loves you, and all you have to do is to accept that love.

The ABC’s of salvation are simple. Accept that Jesus died for your sins, Believe God raised Him from the dead, and Confess that you want Him to be your Lord and Savior.

And if you do that, you will walk through the doorway to heaven, and you will be welcomed with those assuring words we all long to hear: “Well done good and faithful servant….enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew25:23).

You may be one of the greatest of  sinners but never forget that God is the greatest of Saviors, and He wants to save and change you and He will if you ask him.       

If you haven’t already trusted in Christ alone for your salvation, I hope you’ll do it today. And if you have any questions about salvation, please don’t hesitate to email me.

Yours in faith and friendship,


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