Monday, July 27, 2020

Leadership Thought: Something We All Need to Give and Receive.

Dear Friends,

What do we all need to give and receive? It is called encouragement, which as someone has well expressed, is oxygen to the soul. It is something that none of us can live very long without. 

The following quotes contain only 64 words, -no need to e-mail me if I have counted incorrectly.

“Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless.” Mother Teresa

“Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me and I will never forget you." William Arthur Ward

"Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be." Ralph Waldo Emerson

May the above thoughts guide you in every conversation. Make it your mission today, and every day,  to find someone whom you can "inspire" with words  whose "echoes will be endless." Be a Tychicus, a faithful servant of the Lord, sent to the Ephesians by the apostle Paul with one mission. Paul says,  "I am sending him to you for this very purpose,  "that you may know how we are and that he may encourage you." Ephesians 6:21-22

Make today a great day.

Yours in faith and friendship,

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