Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Leadership Thought: It’s Not too Late to Send a Valentine.

Dear Friends,

Yesterday I had breakfast with a friend in our church. While talking about his job, he remarked how difficult it was for him to work where he did. His comment caught my attention. He said, “I have worked there 17 years and I don’t ever recall a time when my boss ever spoke one encouraging word to me.”  

I couldn’t imagine how my fried survived working there for 17 years without ever hearing one word of encouragement.

There are few gifts that one can give that are more valuable than encouragement. It is so easy to give. It doesn’t take much time or effort. It can be offered in just a few short words-written or spoken- and its can be life changing.  A kind word or an encouraging note is all it takes to lift another up. And yet, in spite of its ease of giving, it seems that so many are unwilling to give a gift that is so life changing.

I think back to a time when I was pastoring in western Pennsylvania. I had been there four years, and I was staring burnout in the eye. It had been a wonderful church, and I had every reason to be thankful that the Lord had placed me there, but I was tired, discouraged, and feeling like I had not accomplished all that I had set out to do. I found myself wondering if it might be time to look for a new challenge in another church.

I guess I wasn't very good about hiding my feelings, for somehow word got out to the congregation of how I was feeling. I remember it well, for it was shortly before Valentine's Day when I started receiving them in the mail. They were love letters from the congregation. Someone had orchestrated a love letter campaign, and for the next couple of weeks my mailbox was full of letters of encouragement written by members of our congregation.  They were brimming full of gratitude and appreciation. They were dressed up as Valentine's, and they screamed out, “We love you.” Even as I share this, tears well up as I remember those special people who helped save my ministry. To this day those ‘Valentines’ are as some of the choicest deposits in my bank of memories.

It has been said that encouragement is oxygen to the soul.  We can’t live very long without it. It is the quality that provides the burst of energy needed to finish the race when thoughts of quitting echo in our ears, and the finish line seems so distant.

I'm sure that the apostle Paul knew how valuable encouragement was. Maybe that is why he wrote,” Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thess. 5:11) or again to the Ephesians when he writes, “Don't let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Ephesians 5: 29).

I know we are a few days removed from Valentine's Day, but I would ask you if there might still be a few Valentine love letters you might wish to send someone who needs a little spark of encouragement. Those letters, while costing so little, may be the very gift that brings eternal value to those who receive them.

Yours in faith and friendship,


P.S. “We blossom under praise like flowers in the sun and dew: we open, we reach, we grow. Gerhard E. Frost

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