Monday, April 11, 2022

Leadership Thought: From Humble Beginnings Calvary Chapel Christian Academy, Fort Lauderdale Wins the National High School Basketball Championship.

Dear Friend

I was on the baseball field watching my grandson play, when I picked up the phone and I heard the words, “Heh coach, it’s me, Mike. Guess what? We just won the national high school basketball championship.”

The voice on the other end of the line was one of my assistant basketball coaches during the years I was the school’s basketball coach at Calvary Christian Academy in Fort Lauderdale FL.  Mike was just coming back from Tampa FL where Calvary Christian Academy had just won the national basketball title, and he wanted me to be one of the first to hear the news. The Eagles had defeated a team from the state of Washington to claim the national title, and he could hardly contain his excitement.

Mike wanted to thank me for the small part I played in the success of the basketball program. You see it was back in 2000 when I was 59 years old, that I was hired as the chaplain/ athletic director and basketball coach for Calvary Chapel’s Calvary Christian Academy. The church was starting a school from the ground up, and I had the privilege of being a member of that first faculty team that began the school in 2000.

The school has grown significantly over the last 22 years and is now one of the largest Christian schools in the country. It is exciting to see the success the school has achieved, not only on the athletic field where they have won a number of state championships in basketball, baseball and track and field, but more importantly in the classroom where young men and women are being well trained academically, spiritually and socially.

Attracting quality young people with character and personal faith, the school has grown in many ways beyond just athletics. and its growth has largely been the result of the solid spiritual foundation on which the school was established.

After talking with Mike on the phone, my mind wandered back to those early years when we played our first basketball games on an outdoor court while we were waiting for our first gym to be built. And while we did enjoy some degree of success on the basketball court, I don’t think anyone could have imagined that one day, from such humble beginnings, Calvary Christian Academy would be crowned the best high school basketball team in the country.

It was not a fluke, as this year’s team had four Division One basketball prospects, but more important than that was the fact that the team is comprised of young men who have deep spiritual roots and possess character qualities that set them apart from many other high school teams.

It was always the school’s goal to attract quality young people, and how happy I was to learn that this has still been its ongoing goal since its inception in 2000.

I thought of the quote, “Every big castle was once started with a single block. “How true it is that no one should ever despise small beginnings.

Mike’s thanks and appreciation for the small part I played in the winning of that championship was only heightened a few hours later by a message on my computer screen from the administrator who hired me and whose vision played an integral part in the school’s beginning. His kind words of thanks and appreciation for the part I played during those early years brought joy to my heart. During those early years, we diligently sought to build athletic success, while ensuring that we never compromised the spiritual and character development of our students.

Thanks Mike and Mark for taking the time to remember me, and for Your kind words of appreciation for the small contributions I made to the success you are now enjoying, academically, spiritually and athletically.

Henry James has said that the deepest craving of human nature is to be appreciated, and my cup of appreciation is overflowing.

Someone said, “Kind words are like jewels that live in the heart and soul as blessed memories long after they have been spoken.” 

So, thanks Mike, and Mark and yes, thanks to a whole host of faculty and friends whom I will never forget who helped make my 8 years at Calvary Chapel such a memorable and enriching experience.

Paul was right when he penned the following the words, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow; so neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who makes things grow.”   1 Corinthians 3:6-7.

So, friend, start cultivating, or sowing seeds, or watering, for you never know what God might produce through your small and humble efforts. It may be far more important than a national basketball title; it may be a heart won for Jesus for all eternity, and that might be the greatest accomplishment of your life.

Yours in faith and friendship,


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