Thursday, June 6, 2024

Leadership Thought: Be a Part of a Spiritual Revival as Protestants and Catholics Gather for Prayer This Saturday at St. Mary's Catholic Church

Dear Friends,

From one to four o'clock this Saturday, June 8th, there will be a special ecumenical outdoor worship event taking place in at St Mary's Roman Catholic in Middletown, N.J. 

Comprised of several area Protestant and Roman Catholic churches from throughout Monmouth and Ocean counties, the “Revival of Hope” will focus on bringing people together to worship and pray for the spiritual revival of our nation. 

Protestant and Roman Catholics will set aside their theological differences to focus on unity as they gather to worship and pray with one another. 

Pastors and musical groups from area churches will participate in this service of revival. 

While the service will run from one to four o'clock, worshippers are free to come and go as their schedules permit.

Our nation is in desperate need of spiritual revival, and our hope is that this service will spark the flames of revival in our area and play a role in addressing the spiritual, relational, political and moral divide that exists within our nation. 

Scripture reminds us that, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Prayer is the foundation for revival. It has been said that “We can do more than pray after we have prayed, but we cannot do more than pray until we have prayed." John Bunyan

Every great spiritual revival has begun on the bended knees of persistent and persevering prayer warriors. 

Our nation is in need of revival, and we encourage you to join your hands and hearts with other brothers and sisters as together we pray for revival in our land.

I close with this reminder: "As long as we are content to live without revival, we will." Leonard Ravenhill

Yours in faith and friendship.


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