Monday, June 17, 2024

Leadership Thought: How a Letter from a Friend of 50 Years Changed My Day

Yesterday I spent the day packing in anticipation of my traveling up to Lake Ontario, my summer home where I’ve been going every summer since I was born.

I always look forward to being at the lake, but with Jean’s passing a year and a half ago, I recognized there was a part of me that was holding back as I realized my time at the lake is never going to be the same without her.

Before I left, I wanted to share a Leadership Thought, but as sometimes is the case, I had no idea what to share, and feeling a bit melancholy, I thought I would forgo any message, grab my little dog Maggie, my faithful traveling companion, and get and early morning start on my five and half hour trek north to Henderson Harbor, New York.

Before leaving, however, I checked my e-mail, and there staring at me on my screen I was surprised to see an e-mail from a person I hadn’t seen in over 50 years. I don’t know how she tracked me down, but I can tell you I am so glad she did.

As I read her-mail- and I apologize if it seems a bit self-serving- my melancholy suddenly lifted, as tears of gladness began to trickle down my cheeks.

“Dear Mr. Crenshaw, 

I wonder if you remember our family. My mother’s name was Elaine, and she became a Christian after you came to Pompey United Church in about 1968 or 1969. I just want you to know you had an incredible impact on my mother, father and our family. Most of us are following Jesus. Many of Mom’s and Dad’s grandchildren are also living lives as faithful believers - however imperfectly!

My dad, Frank Valletta, passed away in 2020. My mom just passed away in February, and she just moved out of the Pompey area a year or so ago. In the last year or so before she passed away, she and I talked about you. She reviewed what happened after you came to Pompey United and how it influenced her to read the Bible and to truly seek God and seek a relationship with Jesus. 

I tried to find your information before she passed away, but I couldn’t. This time when I looked it didn’t seem to be hard at all. My family and I -my siblings I should say- are so thankful that you were faithful to preach the truth. God changed our whole family through your faithful preaching at Pompey United Church. 

May You and your family be abundantly blessed,

Beth Valletta Catranis”

I share Beth’s letter to point out how in only a few minutes of time and some clicks on a computer keyboard, you can change a person’s day, and yes, maybe even a person’s life..

Mother Teresa was fond of saying, “Kind words are short and easy to speak (and yes, to write) but their echoes are endless.”

How glad I am this morning for those echoes as I begin traveling north, and as I drive, I will be wondering if what I have shared might encourage you to write and surprise some special friend you haven’t seen in a long time.

If you do, I can promise you that you will make two people happy!

Yours in faith and friendship,


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