Leadership Thought: So, You Don't Think Reading Your Bible Has Any Impact on Your Life!
This past week I was asked by a friend who wanted
to know why I thought it was important to read your bible daily.
A year ago, she had been encouraged to do this,
and while she got off to a good start, she said her reading gradually became
more and more inconsistent until she finally stopped altogether.
I had recently read a report from the Center
of Bible Engagement which was based on a 40,000 people study, and the
statistics of that report were eye opening.
The study revealed that if you read your
bible two to three times a week, there was little noticeable change in your
life, but if you read it four or more times a week, all of a sudden there was a
dramatic change in the impact that your reading had upon your life.
The research revealed that loneliness dropped
30%. anger issues dropped 32%, bitterness in relationships dropped 40%, alcohol
consumption dropped 57%, feeling spiritually stagnant dropped 60%, viewing
pornography dropped 60%, and on a positive side sharing your faith increased
20%, and your commitment to discipling other believers jumped 200%.
I shared this study with my friend, and I
hope it encourages her to get back to the discipline of daily bible reading she
once had started and now had now given up.
I told her that length is not always
strength, and I encouraged her to be reasonable in her goals. You don’t have to
commit to reading through the bible in a year, although this is a wonderful discipline
if you choose to it, and I reminded her that “slow and steady wins the race.”
Often, we start off wanting to read the
bible, and we set unreasonable goals for ourselves, and we become quickly
discouraged and give up when we fail to meet our goal.
Those who enjoy a consistent daily reading
time, have found that the more time you consistently spend reading your bible
daily, the more you will want to read your bible, and the time you spend
reading it will normally and naturally increase. Start with a smaller
goal and soon you will want to see that goal increase.
For those beginning, I encourage you to read
a Proverb, and or a Psalm, and then pick a biblical book,(one of the gospels
like Mark) and read a chapter or just a part of a chapter.
And always keep a pen and notebook beside you
and when you finish your reading, write down the date and one thought that
impressed or impacted you from your reading, something you want to share and
take with you for the day.
If you have started and failed to develop a
consistent reading of the bible, I encourage you to give it another try.
I close with the words of the prophet Isaiah
who writes,” As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return
to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it
yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out
from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I
desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10- 11)
Yours in faith and friendship,
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