Friday, May 20, 2022

Leadership Thought: The Relational Dangers in a Digital World.

Dear Friends,

I love being around open people, those who are open to fresh ideas and who are willing to explore new ways of looking at things.

Being open means you possess a willingness to hear both sides of a story. You are willing to have your mind changed as you listen and hear another’s perspectives.

People who possess open ears and an open heart attract people like a magnate. People feel comfortable being around them, and even if they have different perspectives, they learn and benefit by listening to another’s point of view. It doesn’t mean that they will always agree with another’s perspective, but it does mean they will listen and work hard to understand how the other person feels.

It has been said that listening and love are so close to one another that they are almost indistinguishable. When a person is heard, he or she feels loved and love transcends those differences and in the end their friendship is strengthened even though they may still hold opposing opinions. 

Our digital world has changed the way we do business. It has provided comfort and convenience, but in so doing we run the risk of sacrificing relationships.

Today we are more personally separated than ever, and separation and isolation are never healthy in the workplace, or in the church. We need each other, and while telephones and computers can still connect us, there is no substitute for in person, face to face relationships.

While churches may find digital worship a convenience, and it may provide opportunities for more people to watch your services, it can never replace that in person hug, or that warm embrace.  You can’t taste the salt in another’s tears from some computer screen.

Years ago, the slogan MBWA (Management by Walking Around) was coined. The idea may have begun in one large corporation where the president spent a couple hours each morning walking around the workplace getting to know his workers and making himself available to them. In doing so, he listened with both his ears and his heart to hear his workers’ hurts, problems and concerns as well as their ideas for improving their workplace. In doing so he gets to not only know them, but their families as well and a bond if formed between him and his employees.

It has been said that to listen is so close to love that the two are almost indistinguishable. When people are heard they feel loved and cared for, and when they feel loved and cared for, they become more productive, and both they and the company benefits. It a win win situation for all.

In today’s digital world, it is important for all of us to be on the lookout for ways to enhance relationships. We must never allow comfort and convenience to transcend the need for in person-to-person relationships.

The bottom line is that whether we connect digitally or in person, we need to recognize our need to be available and accessible to one another. When this happens, relationships are strengthened, and trust is built, and everyone is the beneficiary.

In all our relationships, whether personal or digital, we need to keep in mind the words of the Apostle Paul who wrote “Be completely humble, bearing with one another in love. Make every opportunity to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:2-3

Yours in faith and friendship


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