Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Leadership Thought: When Was the Last Time You Cried Over Sin?

Dear Friends,

I was humbled this morning as I read about Samuel Chadwick, a powerful preacher of past years. He was known as the “Preacher of Passion." John Courson, one of my favorite bible teachers, writes of Chadwick “that every Sunday tears would fill his eyes as he preached to those in his congregation. His writings reveal the reason why week after week, year after year, he felt such compassion for people. Chadwick recounts how every Saturday night after his sermon was prepared, he would go into his study, close the door behind him, and reflect on what a sinner he had been before he met Christ and how good God was to save him.  Remembering the pit from which he has been rescued caused him to break down in gratitude. Then, looking out at his congregation the next morning and realizing many of them were in the same place he had been, he wept for them.” Courson New Testament Commentary, p 1585

It is easy to forget what our life was like before we met Christ. I am often guilty of this. In the midst of the busyness of ministry, I can easily lose track of the very thing that motivates my ministry. What inspires me to serve is nothing more than God’s love for a sinner like me that transformed me from death unto life.

The Apostle Paul says that it was this very fact that motivated his ministry.  “For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus, that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again: 2 Cor 5:14-15

Sam Chadwick never took for granted the great transaction that took place upon a Cross, and neither can we. His death for sin changed me, and it changed all who have trusted in Him for their salvation. 

Lord, forgive me for ever taking for granted the wretchedness of my sin and the cost that was paid for my salvation. And, yes Lord, may you also forgive me for my lack of tears and my lack of gratitude and once again awake within me a greater passion for you and your love that that wrenched me from the clutches of death. 

Yours in faith and friendship,

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