Thursday, December 8, 2022

Leadership Though: As the Deer Pants for Streams of Water so My Soul Pants for You, O God - A Picture Worth a Thousand Words.

Dear Friends,

A few months ago, I walked downstairs to let the dog out, and at the bottom of the stairs I discovered an envelope my daughter had left for me. I opened it up to discover  a thoughtful and encouraging note. 

The letter was from a friend in our church, it read, "I was so sorry to hear you and Jean are ill.  Praying for you both.  We recently received a card, and I was struck by the beautiful drawing of a deer on the front.  After reading the message, I noticed your name on the back.  It seems as if I’m living right in the middle of Psalm 42 most days, so your artwork really struck a chord with me.  The card almost seemed to follow me around the house until I sat down to write this email.  It’s quite amazing how the Lord so creatively works His Word into our lives.  Praising Him for all He’s done through the ministry of you and Jean.  Looking forward to seeing you both again soon."

Underneath the card she received were the words of the Psalmist  "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." Psalm 42:1

And then there were these words. Tom Crenshaw, Student artist, Westminster Academy.

I wish I could say the drawing was done by me. I wrote back and told her that the student artist was not me, but my son, Tommy who drew it in art class in 1998 when we were living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I loved it so much that I had it copied on some card stock, and I have often used it as a note card when writing notes to friends.

As I look at the picture, I am reminded that we, like that deer, need water if we are to survive physically. We can survive only a few days without it before we perish. And spiritually speaking those who seek to live life apart from the One who renews us with rivers of living water will find themselves dying of spiritual thirst. Those who seek him and long to understand him will find never ending life.

Feeling separated from God, this psalmist wouldn't rest until he restored his relationship with God, because he knew that his life depended on it.

I hope this picture will be an ever present reminder of your need and my mine to drink deeply from the well of life, Jesus wants to meet with us, and He has been waiting by the well for us to come and drink deeply of His love, I hope all of us will join him today and discover the refreshment that every human heart desires. Drink deeply my friends.

Yours in faith and friendship,


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