Monday, December 19, 2022

Leadership Thought. The Man Who Died on the 4th of July Because He Was a Fireworks Kind of Guy.

Dear Friend

Leadership expert John Maxwell has recently been sharing in his daily podcast “Minute with Maxwell,”  the things he learned from his dad.

His dad was 98 and still going strong when he died.

The information below is an edited version of what John shared about the lessons his dad taught him about enthusiasm.

John tells how his dad wasn’t into music very much. “He was kind of tone deaf, and he didn’t sing very well. But I remember the day when he was college president, and we were in chapel, and we sang the doxology. It is just one verse: “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow…,” and my father loved the way it  sounded, and so he said, ‘That sounds so good, let’s sing the second verse.’ “Well, there’s no second verse, so my dad, not to be deterred,  said, ‘Well then, let’s sing the first verse again,’ “and I think we sang the doxology at least five times to satisfy my dad’s enthusiasm for that hymn.”

When his dad moved to an extended care unit in a nursing home, his dad wanted to be the first one to move in. And I said, “Dad, why do you want to be the first one in,” and he said, “So I can meet all of the new people when they come because I know they’re going to be fearful and concerned about their living conditions, and I want to shake their hands at the door and tell them that it is going to be a fine place to live.”

John did the memorial message for his dad, and he talked about his enthusiasm, and he read a message his dad had written at 85, titled  “Celebrating the Senior Years by Melvin Maxwell.

“And what did he say about how you should celebrate life?

1. “Stay alive. Don’t quit dreaming. Find new ideas and set new goals.

  (Remember he is 85).”

2. “Don’t give over to defeat and discouragement. Things are not as bad as you think.”

3. “Never think you’re too old. Moses was eighty and he led 3 ½ million people out of captivity.”

4. “Never think you’ve lost your usefulness. Your years have given you both wisdom and experience to share with others.”

5. “Never think that you’re not needed or important. Everyone you meet needs a smile and some loving words.”

6. Never stop trying. Persistence always wins. Your candle may be burned down, but it’s not out. Don’t complain because you’re gray and bald for a lot of people never live that long.

7. “Keep a spirit of praise, constantly thanking God for His goodness and remember your attitude is more important than your aptitude, for your attitude determines your spiritual altitude.”

8. “Remember God is with you each day, and you’re near the winning line. Just hang on!”

9. “Try to live a memorial that will live on and on: Love and speak kind words, be thoughtful and generous.”

John concludes, “That was my dad. That’s who he was. My father lived his life with enthusiasm. He was a ball of fire. That’s why he fittingly died on the 4th of July, ”because he was a fireworks kind of guy.

May the tribe of Melvin Maxwell increase, and may the lessons he taught his son be lived out and passed on by us to others.

Yours in faith,


P.S. “There seems to be a chilling fear of holy enthusiasm among the people of God. We try to tell how happy we are - but we remain so well- controlled that there are very few waves of glory experienced in our midst.” A. W. Tozer.

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