Thursday, February 15, 2024

Leadership Thoughts: Have You Ever Been Surprised by God?

Dear Friends, 

I love being surprised.

While I was driving home from Florida last week, the phone rang. I was surprised to hear a friend of mine on the other end of the line. My friend Jim was calling to apologize for being a day late in remembering the anniversary of Jean's passing, part of the very reason I traveled to Florida in the first place as I had wanted to be with friends Jean and I made while we lived in Fort Lauderdale.

For many years I have called Jim every November 10th, the day his young and talented college daughter was shot to death in a botched computer robbery. The conversation is always short and to the point.

"I'm thinking of you on this day. I love you and I want you to know that I'm praying for you and Signe," his wife, Signe." That's pretty much all I say, and I hope that's enough. 

Little did I expect that I would receive a similar and surprise call from my dear friend as I headed home to New Jersey. Short and sweet and to the point. "I'm thinking of you today and wanted you to know that I'm praying for you and your family." 

My friend's surprise call made things a little easier on my. long trip home.

Sometimes Jesus comes to us through some unexpected person at some unexpected time in some unexpected place. The Lord will come to you through a brother or sister, through a family member or friend. But so often, like Mary's. unexpected conversation at the tomb our eyes are so filled with tears that we don't always recognize it's the Lord speaking to us, and we are surprised by the unexpected

This experience made me think of a message I read and saved from Charles Swindoll's Day by Day Devotional. 

He told of how the famous Englishman Horace Walpole, was reading a Persian fairy tale that brought joy to his heart on a cold, dreary day. The story brought a smile to his face, and so he wrote to his longtime friend, Horace Mann, telling him of the thrilling approach to life he had discovered from the folktale.

The ancient tale told of three princes from the island of Ceylon, who set out on a pursuit of  great treasures. They never found those treasures for which they searched, but in route they were continually surprised by delights they found along their journey and which they had never anticipated. In looking for one thing, they found another. 

The original name of Ceylon was "Serendipity", which explains the title of this story, The

Three Princes of Serendip. From that, Walpole coined the wonderful word, "serendipity," and from then on, his most significant and valued experiences were those that happened to him while he was least expecting them.

"A serendipity occurs when something beautiful breaks in to the monotonous and the mundane. A serendipitous life is marked by surprise and spontaneity." Day by Day, Charles Swindoll.

As I thought about the background of this wonderful word, I found myself thinking of the many ways God has surprised His people. There was Abraham and Sarah,  Zachariah and Elizabeth, and Mary and Joseph, all being surprised to learn that children would be born into their families when they least expected it. 

There were other surprises. There was the surprise of those praying for Peter safety only to discover him standing on their front doorstep; And then there were those disciples walking the Road to Emmaus with  a stranger only to discover to their surprise that the stranger walking with them was none other than Jesus. And what about the surprise of the women who came and discovered the empty tomb, and the appearance of Jesus in the upper room following his crucifixion, and the list goes on and on

God is in the wonderful business of surprising people, and He's good at it. He seems to show up at just the right time and in just the right place. He is the "Master of Surprises."

It was Oswald Chambers who wrote, "When you are rightly related to God, it is a life full of spontaneous joyful uncertainty and expectancy- we do not know what God is going to do next; He packs our life with surprises." (Quotations for the Christian World, Edith Draper)

The prophet Isaiah said it  a little differently when he wrote, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19)

The next time the heavy storm clouds of disappointment hover over your head, or the winds of adversity come howling across the landscape of your life, remember that God is in the business of showing up big time. So, let's all be standing on tiptoes, for God may just well be planning a special serendipity in your life, and how exciting that would be. 

And yes, don't forget "that it is when you are out of options that we are most ready for God's surprises." Max Lucado.

Yours in faith and friendship,


P.S. God reveals Himself through surprises, and His greatest surprise is that He chose you  and me to be His children.

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