Monday, December 2, 2024

Leadership Thought: Have You Said, "I'm Thankful Yet?"

Dear Friend,

Our lives are different because  of 11 men who were committed to share a message that would change the world. 

Down through the years, the wonderful, good news of the gospel has been  passed on to those who would then pass it on to others and one day it was passed on to  you  and you became a beneficiary of that good news. 

Maybe it happened in church, in school, in an office, or like me, at a conference.

As you look back at that special moment, most of you can remember a person(s) who was instrumental in the decision you made.

For me it was a college football player, Chuck Beale. He was a teammate of mine, who had heard the message, and was on fire to share it. It was his enthusiasm and determination to be used by God that resulted in his passing on the message that was passed on to him. And today I am so grateful  he did.

You probably have a Chuck in your life-someone who influenced you to follow Jesus. Maybe they were the ones who shared Jesus with you and you accepted Him. Or maybe like me, the person influenced you to explore the faith and you did, and as a result you came to know Jesus.

What happened forever changed your life and mine, and it all began with someone God used to impact and influence you decision to follow Christ.

Jesus called His disciples to go into the world and make disciples, and we are the products of that call. The message those disciples shared with the world is the same message you and I heard and our response to it has changed our lives for all eternity.

So, my question to you this Thanksgiving morning is have you thanked the one who passed along the message to you? Does that person know your life is different because of his or her words, prayers, or actions?

I hope so. But if you have never taken the time to thank that faithful witness maybe today is the day you should do so.

As you read the words of  “Thank You” by Ray Boltz, I encourage you to think of that person(s) who played a part in your coming to Christ and take a moment to prayerfully thank them and then pick up a pen, or the phone and share a personal thank you with that special person(s) who helped make such a difference in your life.

                   “Thank you for giving to the Lord, I am a life that was changed.

                   “Thank you for giving to the Lord, I am so glad you gave.

                   “One by one, they came as far as the eyes could see,

                   “Each life somehow touched by your generosity.

                   “Little things that you had done, sacrifices made,

                   “Unnoticed on the Earth, in heaven now proclaimed.

                   “Thank you for giving to the Lord, I am a life that was


And just as the message was shared with you, may you  commit to sharing and passing it along to others who like you, will say “Thank you, I’m so glad you did.”

Yours in faith and friendship,


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