Thursday, December 26, 2024

Leadership Thought: Three Christmas Gifts I Just Received That I Will Never Forget

Dear Friends,

I woke up this morning with the word ‘thoughtfulness’ on my mind. I suspect it has much to do with some Christmas gifts I received yesterday.

My son-in-law’s sister, Lauren and brother-in-law, Alex had joined us to celebrate Christmas. The day before Christmas, Alex noticed a need as I was walking around with no shoes on and with a few of my toes protruding from an old pair of socks. Yes, I am known to be on the casual side.

Alex also noticed my need for a new belt. My old belt, which I have worn for as long as I can remember and which was probably purchased many years ago at some thrift store -I am not only casual, but cheap or frugal as I would describe it- was long overdue for replacement.

Lauren noted how much I loved my little dog Maggie who spent so much of the time by my side. Unbeknownst to me, she had snapped a picture of Maggie while I was cuddling her in my arms.

On Christmas day my friends surprised me by gifting me with 12 pair of new socks, a brand-new belt-don’t remember the last time I had worn a new one- and the picture Lauren had taken of me and Maggie which she had developed and framed.

I was overcome with appreciation for my friends’ thoughtfulness

I love being around thoughtful people.

Thoughtful people have a way of saying just the right thing and performing just the right action. They are thoughtful and always on the lookout to lift up and bless others.  Thoughtful people are 'thinkful' people. They are intentional about being thoughtful. They spend time thinking, planning, and yes, even praying about how they can bless the lives of others because they are ‘other minded.’

Jesus says, "Whoever in the name of a disciple shall give even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones, truly I tell you that person will certainly not lose their reward" (Matthew 10:42).

In the Book of Hebrews, we are told that the Lord is not forgetful to reward our works of righteousness (Heb. 6:10).

When you do something for someone else, that act may eventually be forgotten by the one who receives it, but it will never be forgotten by the Lord. He promises us that He will never forget that action and that the giver will always be rewarded. Perhaps now, but even better, in heaven.

So many of the special gifts I remember are not sizeable, expensive, or the kind that might overwhelm you. A phone call reminding you that you are loved and not forgotten, an unexpected meal delivered when you were too tired to cook, a babysitter who shows up so you and your spouse can have a much-needed night out are all examples of the kind of thoughtfulness that will seldom be forgotten.

Legendary college basketball coach John Wooden was once asked how he would like to be remembered. He replied, "I would like to be remembered as a normal person that was considerate (thoughtful)  of others. That would be enough for me." 

So, as we enjoy the day after Christmas, let's stop thinking about ourselves and begin thinking of others, which is the first step in sowing the seeds of thoughtfulness.

Yours in faith and friendship,


P.S. Lest I forget another thoughtful gift, I  thank my daughter Betsy for the 2’ by 4’ foot glass framed vintage poster of Johnny Cash that came straight from a record shop in Nashville. What a Christmas!

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