Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Leadership Thought: Let Tear Down Those Dividing Political Walls

Dear Friend,

I am presently in California visiting my daughter and her family, and I've been without a computer for the last three days as I had some work done on it, so today is the first day I have been able to share a Leadership Thought.

We are currently living in an era when many are frightened and anxious about what the coming political change might bring. 

I am hoping our new political landscape will become a place where the healing of divisions will take place, and where we all can embrace and experience a new and positive hope for our future.

My hope is that we all will commit to being bridge builders as we usher in this new change in government leadership.

Regardless of your political perspective, I encourage each of you to put away any preconceived views of what the next four years might bring and choose to play a positive role in the much-needed healing of our land. 

By our attitudes and behaviors, let's become a new and unified ‘party’ who, regardless of our past political affiliations, is determined to heal our nation’s divisions and restore civility to all our relationships.

In short, let’s be a part of the solution to our nation’s brokenness and not the problem.

In the article below titled "New Era: As Love Increases” we are provided with an excellent solution.

Yours in faith and friendship,


                              NEW ERA: AS LOVE INCREASES
The Berlin Wall was a barrier, dividing east from west. The division couldn’t last - walls never do, they crumble under God’s bright light, bringing people together again.
Every day we must go the extra mile to tear down any wall or fence that we discover within ourselves. Old prejudices, old belief patterns, even our ways of thinking and moment to moment living must be torn down if it does not serve the positive God-given life ahead.
In this new era, we must not have any blocks within ourselves, or between other people and us. The world is a small place. As humanity expands, there is NO ROOM for hate.
The mind is also too small for any limited belief that wishes harm to ourselves or to others whom we do not know.
As love increases, the stress of everyday life will decrease. Old competition patterns will change to the only true competition, which is comparing ourselves to what we were yesterday, and trying to better ourselves.
As love increases within our world, the wars will be won. Love is what we all crave. It is a basic human need, and that need will be fulfilled.
The age of deception and dishonesty is dying. These walls, erected to protect the unsure from a world in which they feel unsafe, are no longer needed. The age of safety is beginning.
I pray for the invisible walls to go down in our American cities. Walls that divide the intercity from suburbia; walls that divide cultures and religions. In this new era, religion must awaken to its responsibility of leading the way toward togetherness. Each must bring themselves to the mature position of perceiving likenesses instead of differences.
The question arises: as we grow together, will we lose our individuality, will we be clones going in massive waves, moved by the tide of race consciousness? The answer is no! Individuality will increase as we develop the inner security that is strong enough to affirm another unlike ourselves.
As divisions decrease, creativity increases. Human energy will not be divided in a daily division within ourselves, between self-protection and invention. I am not for a moment implying that we are entering a utopia. There will continue to be struggle and challenge. But it will be on a higher level as we enter a new phase in this classroom of life.
Topher Kearby taken from Clint Hurdle’s, “Daily Encouragement”


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