Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Leadership Thought: The Two Things That Every Christian Must Do Today.

Dear Friends,

The election is finally here, and for one I am glad it is almost over. I am tired of all the finger pointing, the vitriol, and the language of  “look what I am going to do for you.”  Hopefully with the election’s conclusion, we will rediscover what it means to be a little kinder, a bit more respectful and much less inclined toward demeaning the character of those whose opinions differ from ours.

In the effort to put things in perspective, I got up early this morning to watch the special political edition of Saturday Night Live which I had taped the night before. It was good just to laugh a bit, as I haven’t laughed much since the airwaves have filled up with incessant name calling and political double talk. You have probably heard the old joke which asks, "How do you know if a politician is lying? The answer is “His lips are moving." The joke would be hilarious if it weren't so true.

I need to be continually reminded that regardless of who sits in the oval office, that God still is comfortably ensconced on His heavenly throne. He is, and He will still be sovereign long after every ballot is cast and every vote is counted. 

Isaiah 55:8-9 provides us a good reminder of the fact that whatever is happening around us, God is still in control. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts your thoughts.” (ESV)

Whether you are Republican, Democrat, or  Independent, I would remind you that  God does not need any 'political party' help in directing the affairs of our nation, or the world for that matter.  I occasionally need to be reminded of this fact, and maybe you do, too. 

God is still in control, and He knows what He’s doing. He views things from a Sovereign perspective and His  plans may be surprisingly different from ours, for He maintains a “long range perspective” of history. Because He does, we can let the “big things" become the little things as long as they are in His hands.

Well, what can we do, for we are a political people, and the future of our country will be determined by the winner of this election? You can first calm down, and then you can do two things. You can vote, if you haven't already, and thank God you live in a country where your vote does matter. And secondly, you can, and you must pray that God's will shall be accomplished through this election process. Vote and pray. Paul writes Timothy and says, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made for all people-for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

It is simple, vote and pray and rest assured that when you lay your head on the pillow tonight, and awake tomorrow, God will still be right where He has always been, ruling and reigning and in complete control of the world and, yes, even of your life.

Yours in faith and friendship,


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