Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Leadership Thought: Who Likes to Work with a Staff of Sourpusses?

Dear Friends,

Last night at our monthly elder's leadership meeting, we enjoyed a lot of whimsey while we worked. While dealing with a number of significant issues confronting our church-all good I might add- we were careful to 'allocate' a sufficient amount of time for some lighthearted "whimsey" while engaging in those serious discussions. Whimsy is a word that we use a lot on staff  around New Monmouth. It is a word that has come to mean a kind of playful communication that often brings joy and laughter to those on both the giving and receiving end. You might call it playful banter. It can momentarily relieve the stress of ministry-yes, there are occasions of stress for those of us engaged in the Lord’s work.

There is often a lot of laughter that accompanies whimsy, and I have found that laughter can be healthful, even invigorating.  It was President Lincoln who said, “With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh, I should die.”  Laughter can often help get us through stressful or challenging situations. It enables us to step away from a problem for a few moments, and in so doing gain a fresh perspective on the challenge we are facing.
You may have heard the saying “He who laughs-lasts.” I suspect there is a lot of truth to this statement. Laughter can relieve stress, and increase  longevity. It may also be true that laughing 100 times a day works the heart as much as exercising for ten minutes on a rowing machine.  Yes, laughter undoubtedly can be good for both the body and yes, even the soul.
Serving on a staff where we often laugh together makes ministry more enjoyable, and it assists in building comradery which is so important in building a team. 
Fun and laughter should be regular ingredients in a Christian’s life. These qualities can make us more relatable. As believers we should be joyful, playful, fun loving, and even whimsical for those possessing these qualities are generally the most attractive people to be around. Who wants to hang with stern, somber, humorless, lemon sucking killjoys who have no appreciation for a few laughs and a little whimsy?

As Christians we should be fun to be with. Our personality should pave the way for the  building of relationships, and those relationships can often provide the open door for the communication of the Gospel.

So, followers of Christ, let’s lighten up a bit and put a little more whimsy in our lives. Let’s laugh a little more and show the world that those who bear the name of Christ are the happiest people alive. And why shouldn’t we be, for we are the possessor of abundant and eternal life. 

Martin Luther wrote, “If you’re not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don’t want to go there,” and neither do I.

Yours in Whimsy,
Pastor Tom

P.S. “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones (Proverbs 17:22).

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