Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Leadership Thought: A Love Letter Sent Yesterday That Started Off My Day Today.

Dear Friends,

“Tom, I was especially moved by this installment of your leadership emails. Thanks so much for sharing with us your heart regarding your dad. Also thank you for that beautiful video. May God continue to bless you and your family with Faith & Love, and may you be in good health. Warmly, John Grove.”

These words greeted me as I opened my computer this morning wondering what I might share with those of you who receive these daily Leadership Thoughts. I have only seen John a few times in the last 40 years. He was a gifted and caring student assistant of mine in my second church in Philadelphia, Pa, and today he pastors a church in N.W. Jersey where he has faithfully labored  for over 40 years.

It probably only a minute or so to type out his few words, but the  magnitude of their meaning will not be quickly forgotten. John was simply and thoughtfully  saying "thanks," and thanks is a wonderful word to hear, especially as one starts out this new week of ministry.

Mother Theresa was right when she wrote, "Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless,” Long ago I memorized those words, and I have always tried to live them out as I endeavor to impact and influence the lives of the people I meet and know.

It takes so little time to encourage someone, yet how often we miss those opportunities to lift them up with a few words, whether they be spoken or written.

Today I printed out John’s short but kind and thoughtful message, and I have placed them in my "Bible file cabinet," where in one of the first Bibles ever given to me,  I keep all the encouraging notes I have received over the years of my ministry. From time to time, I will open the cover of that bible and those letters will spill  out, and I take a few minutes to  read a message or two, and then with a short prayer of thanks, they are tucked back into my bible, saved to be read again some other day.

One of my favorite verses, and one I try to live out daily in my ministry is 1 Thessalonians 5:11, where Paul writes, “Therefore encourage and build one another up, just as you are already doing.”

Is there someone you know who needs to be built up and encouraged? When God puts that person on your heart, why not do as my friend John did, take a few minutes to write that note or type out that e-mail, or better yet, give that person a personal call. I promise if you do, it will not only bless you, but I guarantee it will make their day a little brighter, just as John’s note did for me.

Yours in faith and friendship,


P.S. “Silent gratitude isn’t very much use to anyone.” Gertrude Stein

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