Monday, October 12, 2020

Leadership Thought: Don’t Miss This “Whatever”

Dear Friends,

When I  sign my name to a letter,  I frequently include this Bible verse beneath my name. It is Colossians 3:23, a verse I memorized long ago and which states, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” The first three words of that verse, "Whatever you do," provide breadth to this admonition.” The verse is clear; there are no limiting factors or disqualifying conditions to the  “Whatever you do.”

The person God uses is the one who is willing to work. It was while Moses was shepherding his father in law’s sheep that God revealed Himself to him in a burning bush (Exodus 3).

It was when Elisha was plowing a field that God called to ministry (1 Kings 19:19).

It was when Saul was on his way to Damascus in the service of the high priest that God turned his life around and led him into His service.

There are those who are content to  sit around wondering what God would have them do. And unfortunately, many of them will still be sitting and waiting in their 60’s and 70’s. Why, because often, God’s tap on the shoulder comes while one is already at work.

"I want to be a pastor, or a missionary and I am waiting for God’s call," you say.  Brother, sister, the answer is get busy, start serving, and God will show you what He desires for you to do.

The verse which follows v. 23 provides a wonderful promise to the one who is already working…for you work,  “Knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance  from the Lord.” 

Watching Mother Teresa care for people with their open sores, stinking bodies and in the midst of  blistering heat resulted in an observer saying to her, “I wouldn’t do that for all the money in the world.”  "Neither would I, ”Mother Teresa responded.  No, we don’t serve for fame or fortune; the only motivation great enough for our service in the eternal reward that awaits us.

May our prayer be, “Lord, whatever service I might render today, may my heart be singly focused on doing  it for kingdom purposes. Make your name, your will and your glory my essential priorities, knowing that the one I serve is not a human master but the Lord Himself, who came and died for me that I one day might enjoy a glorious inheritance with him for all eternity.

Have a great weekend, and make a kingdom difference in everything you do as you continue to serve Him wherever you are and whatever you do.


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