Thursday, October 8, 2020

Leadership Thought: Keeping Filled with the Holy Spirit.

Dear Friends,

"Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and act according to His good purpose," (Philippians 2:12-13) These two verses explain the dual aspect of our spiritual growth. We see a delicate balance between man's responsibility (obedience) and God's responsibility (the filling of the Holy Spirit). When we make right choices, (obedience), God empowers us to live out those choices in a way that will please Him.

You may have heard it said, "We are to work out what God has worked in." Working out is our responsibility, and the working in is God's responsibility. It is a collaborative relationship. I like the way Rick Warren expresses it when he says "God's Spirit works with us, not just in us. Purpose Driven Life, p.180

One of my favorite devotionals is Streams in the Desert. If you are not familiar with this book, I would encourage you to go to your bookstore and pick up a copy. It is one of the great classics in devotional literature, and  I promise that you won’t be disappointed with your investment. In the September 23 devotional, we find this same issue being addressed. I quote, "Some of us are troubled, wondering why the Holy Spirit doesn't fill us. The problem is that we have plenty coming in, but we are not giving out to others. If you will give the blessing you have received, planning your life around greater service, and being a blessing to those around you, then you will quickly find that the Holy Spirit is with you. He will bestow blessings to you for service, giving you all He can trust you to give away to others." "When the apostles 'were filled with the Holy Spirit' (Acts 2:4), they did not lease the Upper Room and stay there to hold holiness meetings. They went everywhere preaching the Gospel."

Stored away in my preaching files is a quote by the great Christian writer and preacher F. B. Meyer who wrote "God doesn't fill with the Holy Spirit those who believe in the fullness of the Spirit, or those who desire the fullness of the Spirit, but those who obey Him. Obedience to God's will today means God assumes responsibility for each of our tomorrows." It was D. L. Moody, who when once asked why he continued to pray for the filling of the Spirit, simply said, "because I leak." So, do you and so do I, so we need to continually be filled with the Spirit. Moment by moment, let us be constantly aware of the Spirit's power that desires to work within, but let us also be ever careful to remember, that if the power is to work within, it also needs to work without for it is true that the Holy Spirit will not enter a life unless He can get out again.

Having said all of this, one cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit without having first received Jesus Christ. That is the first step to being filled. If you have not invited Jesus Christ into your life by faith, you will never be filled with the Spirit. Faith is simply trusting  in Christ alone for your salvation. Accept Him by simply trusting in Him alone for your salvation. Receive Him as your Savior, and simply invite Him into your heart today. Christ won't fill you if there is nothing within you to be filled.

Yours in faith,

Pastor Tom

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