Thursday, December 17, 2020


Leadership Thought: Chuck Smith, a New Computer and a Lesson on Grace.

Dear Friends,

I got started late start this morning as my computer crashed on Friday, and when I found it would be as  expensive to fix it as to buy a new one,  I bit the bullet and purchased a new one. Thank goodness for my daughter as she was able to get it set up and functioning earlier this morning. Jean and I will never be recruited by the Geek Squad when it comes to setting up computers.

I for one struggle with anything that has wires and has pass codes. As I shared a few weeks ago in a message, all the Verizon employees start running when they see me walk through the door. "It's him again." "I know him." "He's been here before and he is fragile."
"You take him."

I confess I am normally pretty even keeled, that is until I walk through the Verizon door with a new phone problem. It is only a few minutes before my blood pressure starts to rise, and I break into a cold sweat as I hear those dreaded words, "What is your verification code number?" 

I confess I have no idea what a verification number is, let along what my number is. And the next question  sends me over the edge when they asked me what's my old password? Now together Jean and I have generated enough passwords to fill up a telephone book. At that point I am ready to order a flip phone and get out of there as quickly and as graciously as possible before I do something that would damage my reputation.

But thanks to my daughter, I not only have a phone that is programmed and a computer that moments ago was fixed and is now up and running  (I did help her somewhat as I plugged in one of the cords to the socket-not sure which one, however), 

I have been reading Why Grace Changes Everything, by Chuck Smith, the founder of Calvary Chapel movement. There have been few people who were more qualified to write on the subject of grace than Pastor Church who was one of the most grace filled men I have ever met. HIs ministry impacted thousands of lives, and some of the most influential pastors in the country grew up in his church or were impacted and influenced by those who sat at his feet. He authored over 50 books and today his Bible studies can he heard on Christian radio stations all over the world. Chuck was a man of great grace.

I close with a perfect example of this grace and humility, which were two of Chuck's most notable possessions. 

Chuck writes "Heaven is going to be full of surprises. As we look around the first surprise will be all the people who we thought would never make it. The next surprise will be those sitting in the front row in the places of honor. We will say, 'Who are these people? I never saw them before.' 'Some of them went to Calvary Chapel,' someone will say.' 'But where is Pastor Chuck?' And from somewhere way out in the back of the crowd, in the peanut gallery, I will yell, 'Here I am! Thank God, though His grace I made it.'" Why Grace Changes Everything, Chuck Smith, p 41.

It is all about GRACE, ("God's Riches at Christ's Expense"). We too will make it to heaven, but not because we did anything to earn or deserve it, but only because, like Chuck, we learned that heaven is a place reserved for sinners just  like you and me, and somehow because of His grace, He welcomed us in to the back row.

Yours in faith and friendship,


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