Monday, December 28, 2020

Leadership Thought: Maybe the Best Christmas is the Simple Christmas.

Dear Friends,

It's 7:45, and I just got up. It is a little different from most Christmas mornings when I would be up before anyone else, would go downstairs to check out the presents scattered around the tree, maybe make some coffee, and wait until everyone else got up to celebrate the day.

But a lot of things are different this year. No large Christmas Eve service in the sanctuary, but a much smaller gathering in our gym, Simplicity was the word. The children performed, all dressed up in their costumes, as they portrayed the events of that first Christmas. A second service of carols and scripture was held with a brief message and invitation, and of course the lighting of our candles. Nothing was polished or well scripted as it might have been at more elaborate Christmas services in the past. It was simple church.

We enjoyed dinner with a dear friend in our church at one of our favorite Italian restaurants, and while it took over an hour to have our food served, we didn't mind, as who counts time when you are with a friend. Friendship is such a simple gift.

Jean and I both decided that we would avoid exchanging gifts this year, and for me that meant Christmas would be simpler- no hurried  last-minute trips to Outback for a gift card or to Walgreen’s for some Jean Nate. We both agreed that we already have everything we could possibly need, so if we are going to spend any money, we wanted to spend it on our kids and on others who need things more than we do. 

Yes, Christmas is a lot different this year with the Pandemic raging. But despite the changes and the differences, I find myself thankful for the simplicity of this year's Christmas.

Time Out!  My granddaughter Reese just arrived at my desk to beckon us downstairs to watch our family open their presents. To be continued………. 

I'm back, and I'm bringing with me my favorite gift of all, a present from my daughter, Rachel, who runs the 'Geek Squad' in our home. The last two weeks she has been trying to solve a mysterious and perplexing computer issue of mine- a malfunctioning mouse.

Her gift to me was a simple mouse pad, simple but unique,  given the pictures of her family and an annual calendar, both  printed on the mouse pad. Such a simple and modest gift, but one of the best gifts I have ever received as it has solved the complex and frustrating problem of an erratically moving mouse on my computer screen. Sometimes the simplest gifts are the best gifts of all.

And when I think about simple gifts and a simple Christmas, I am reminded of the simple and modest circumstances surrounding that first Christmas- a baby birthed in a cattle stall outside a cheap motel with the only guests a few unpretentious shepherds. An in reflecting on that simple birth that turned out to be so momentous that it changed the dating of our calendars, I have come to believe that maybe the simple Christmas is the best Christmas after all.

Wishing you all a safe and simple Christmas. And may the most magnificent gift you receive be the simplest and yet most costly gift of all- the loving gift from the hands of our Father who gave His only Son to die for our sins upon a cross, and in so doing would change our lives today and for all eternity.

Merry Christmas


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