Monday, November 27, 2023

Leadership Thought: Do You Need a "Yes Day" Today?

Dear Friends,

Do you need a "Yes Day" today?

Living with my daughter and family allows me to be privy to some of their special family rituals. One of those rituals is celebrated on each child's birthday, and it is known as a "Yes Day."

Each birthday, my grandchildren enjoy a "Yes Day" when mom or dad say yes to any reasonable request they make. On that day normal family protocol is thrown to the wind, and each celebrant gets to choose whatever he or she desires to do. The "Yes Day" birthday ritual is something my grandchildren look forward to, and why wouldn't they?

This morning I read about a "Yes Day" another family celebrates, and I thought it worth sharing with you moms and dads, and yes, even grand folk like me.

John O'Leary writes. "Each year, my four children join their dad for one-to-one time on a work trip. It’s sacred time we get to spend together and is affectionately known as their “daddy trips.” Each child looks at my schedule, chooses where they want to go, and plans out absolutely everything we do once we get there.

I act like it’s a gift for them, but those of you with little ones know it’s just me being selfish.

From the moment we leave the house until we return a day or so later, there’s only one thing I do on these trips: whatever the request, even if I am tired or not up for it, my response is to simply say “Yes” and then be excited about it.

Several years ago, my 13-year-old son Jack selected The Phoenician for his trip. It’s a resort I’d spoken at many times over the years. But it’s absolutely amazing how different the experience is when you’re with a child and responding “Yes” to fully participating in life with them.

It’s why minutes after checking in we were swimming. It’s why we went down the waterslide. It’s why we ate lunch outside (in 103 degrees) and then went down the waterslide again. It’s why we went down the slide again after that. And after that time… You get the idea.

It’s why a slice of cake was delivered by room service at 1030 p.m. It’s why we shot baskets on the courts and played ping pong and Miss Pacman and shuffleboard. It’s why we took a tour of their cactus garden. It’s why a man who prides himself on working hard on business trips got absolutely no work done on this one.

And it’s why I had the one of my best trips of the year.

Tomorrow, my little boy turns 18. With Jack’s busy school, sports and social schedule I don’t get to see him as often as when he was little. His approaching graduation from high school and launch into college means I’ll see him even less in years to come.

I recognize that every moment with my oldest child is truly a gift. So today, I cherish almost 18 years of memories we have made together as a family.  And I treasure important life lessons Jack has taught me, one of the most important being how much better life gets when I simply say “Yes” to the opportunities and experiences all around me.

It’s a lesson a child taught me.

Somehow, my friends, I think we might benefit from this lesson, too.

This is your day.

Say Yes. And Live Inspired."

Yours in faith and friendship,


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