Monday, November 27, 2023

Leadership Thought: Little Things Mean a Lot When Given in a Spirit of Love

Dear Friend,

The other day, my little dog Maggie and I were out for our daily walk, and I noticed  two little girls sitting behind a card table. They were selling little stones they had just painted. I commented on how beautiful the stones looked, and they told me they were good luck stones. I said, I am always looking for good luck, so I purchased one for a dollar.

I told them how impressed I was with their painting skills, and I praised them for their entrepreneurial spirit. As I said goodbye, I wished them well as Maggie and I resumed our walk.

What I will remember about that brief encounter was how encouraged those two little girls were by my purchase. I was their first customer, and I am sure they probably had visions of earning enough from future sales  to take early retirement.

I stopped by that table because I am consciously looking for occasions to add value to people's lives. Intentionally is important, for unless I am intentional bout adding such value, I will miss opportunities to make that difference.

What a difference we could make, if every day we were intentional about blessing and making a positive difference in someone's life. 

"The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others." Albert Schweitzer.

It matters not how small or insignificant the act-just holding the door for someone-can make a difference in a person's day. I know, because at my age, people are always holding the door for me, and as small an act as that is, it always makes me feel grateful and appreciated.

Adding value to someone rarely occurs by accident. That is why intentionality is so important. Unless we are intentional about adding value to others, we will miss those opportunities to do so.

It is so easy to encourage someone, to lift them up, and bring a smile to their face. However, if we are so busy rushing through our day's agenda, we will never create enough room for those unexpected opportunities to touch another's life.

Winston Church said, "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."

It didn't take a lot of my time to make a dollar investment in the lives of a couple of little girls, but whatever time and money I offered, it was worth it for the joy I experienced as I witnessed their response that my purchase.

Little things can become big things when they are done in a spirit of love.

Just yesterday I received an e-mail from a former church member living in Virginia who took the time to thank me for a note of encouragement I had sent him. A few clicks on a keyboard, and he had sent me a message that brought great joy to my heart.

The widow's mite had ultimate value because, while seemingly monetarily insignificant,  it was offered from the hands of a woman whose heart was filled with love.

Don't stop giving of your time or resources because you don't think you have much to give. Remember that no gift is too small when it's given from a heart of love.

So go out today with an intentional mindset to make a difference in someone's life.

Hold open a door, offer a smile, give a hug, offer a listening ear, and do as I will do later this morning when I gather for breakfast with a couple of friends, say thanks to Monica, for pouring our coffee and serving our food.

Yours in faith and friendship,


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