Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Leadership Thought: Practicing "The 30 Second Rule"

Dear Friends,

Admired for her beauty, Jenny Jerome, (Winston Churchill's mother) glided through the loftiest social circles in Great Britain. Once on consecutive nights, Ms. Jerome dined with England's premier politicians: Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli and his chief rival, William Gladstone. When questioned about her impressions of the two men, Ms. Jerome made the following observation:

"When I left the dining room after sitting with Gladstone, I thought he was the cleverest man in England. but when I sat next to Disraeli, I left feeling that I was the cleverest woman."  Story quoted from the internet.

We have all been around people like Benjamin Disraeli. They are the people who make us feel valued when we are with them.

When you first meet them, you instantly know they care about you. They are interested in what you have to say, and they draw out the best in you.

How can we be the kind of person who brings the best out of others?

We can begin by practicing the "30 Second Rule."

During the first 30 seconds you meet someone, throttle the urge to talk about yourself, but focus all your attention on the other person. Be intentional in looking for something complimentary and encouraging to say to the person. 

This is not the time for phony baloney, but a time when you offer genuine and sincere compliments. Complimenting others focuses your attention on them and prevents you from being the center of the conversation. Remember to look for ways to be impressed and not for ways to be impressive.

As you go through your day, be intentional about looking for those little things you can say and do to make others feel valued and important. Forget about yourself and concentrate on making others feel important.

Prenticing the 30 Second Rule will help get you off to a good start in accomplishing this goal.

Yours in faith and Friendship,


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